I see her point but it still peeved me off (1st cbt session)


New member
I've lurked here before but never posted so first of all hi, now onto the pressing matters, i would say my social anxiety isnt the worst case its more performance then anything, i despise interviews and public speaking etc.
Currently i dont work so when my cbt therapist asked what do you do all day and i said the internet becuase thats pretty much all one can do she continued to tell me everything i've already read on here becuase she wants me to get out in to the real world and face people as opposed to the virtual world and i get that i completely do but summing up that being on the internet all day means being on facebook is not what i do in fact i rarely talk to people online because of the fear of how id be perceived now im in a fuck it mood so i dont care for the time being.
I guess i felt like she was patronising because i am for sure she doesnt get what its like to have sa for her its just reading it off a book and being sympathetic meh i dont know i think maybe i just dont like being told what to do or how to live my life i get that being alone for long lengths of time isnt healthy but i think to a degree me being alone is just because i do in fact enjoy solitude i just hate new things and have a hard time trusting people because most turn out to be ignorant pigs.
Now i have a week to do one scary thing each day to face this fear but i can only think of phoning a few people thats about it and then i have to write every anxiety thought down but at the moment i dont have any cos im too peeved to be anxious.
If you read all that then props to you, i seriously hate having this phobia which reminds me i get facing your fear will eventually make you realise you have nothing to fear but with facing social situations its kind of different to say facing a fear of spiders because a spider isnt really going to redicule you.


New member
Re: I see her point but it still peeved me off (1st cbt sess

pixie said:
I guess i felt like she was patronising because i am for sure she doesnt get what its like to have sa for her its just reading it off a book and being sympathetic

Hi pixie, I'm new posting here too. Your post made me want to register so I could reply. What you said above is what I was always thought about therapists. I have never been to one, but I would love to find one who went through social anxiety themselves (and then got past it), as I believe they would be the most helpful.

I enjoyed reading about your first session in cbt, as I am curious about it myself, so thanks for posting!