I really hate life


why does dumb stuff like sa have to happen to me? why cant i be a freakin normal person? im a nice guy, dont i deserve to be happy? im sick of going through a day by day cycle of feeling scared during the day and feeling depressed when i get home. i really wish something would just happen to end me


Well-known member
Baseball07 said:
why does dumb stuff like sa have to happen to me? why cant i be a freakin normal person? im a nice guy, dont i deserve to be happy? im sick of going through a day by day cycle of feeling scared during the day and feeling depressed when i get home. i really wish something would just happen to end me

You are not the only person. almost all people here suffer like you and may more than you. So try to calm down and don't hesitate to post here your own suffering situations and lets discuss it :)
So please feel free posting here whatever you like and all of people here will like to hear from you :) .

Another thing SP is not the end of world. some people here could have a happy life with very small SP or no SP at all as there are many ways that I heard It helps decreasing SP like medical drugs and Cognitive Behavioral Group.

Also I recommend you to look for SP fellows near from your city and spend time with them.


Well-known member
i hear you. ive pretty much given up on getting better with SA. i have gotten better but its been years since ive made any improvements. im just roaming life now


i want help, but im too scared to ask. how could i go about telling my parents? email, leave clues? ive tried jsut outright saying it but i freeze up.


Well-known member
Baseball07 said:
i want help, but im too scared to ask. how could i go about telling my parents? email, leave clues? ive tried jsut outright saying it but i freeze up.

Yea that most be really hard I had the same problem but your going to have to tell your parent.Get a lot of information off the net before you decide to talk to them.So you have information for them to look at when they ask questions and hopefully they will understand you.I know it can be hard but I had the same problem you did and like you said you want help your going to have to tell them.

I might be wrong but are you in high school.If so have you thought about talking to your guidance counselor at school,they could help you talk to your parents.

Good like man I hope it works out.


Well-known member
HEYY baseball! I was the same as you... none of my (very few) friends knew about my problem. I thought to myself, I can barely make friends, so why would i want the very few ones I had know about my "psycho illness"...they would just be weirded out and probably not like me as much.

I am a really independent person and I hate burdening ANYone, not even my parents. All my life when I had problems, for the most part, i would just keep it to myself, or solve it on my own. I knew other people had their problems and I didnt want to annoy anyone else with my own. BUT this "problem" is far different from others and is definitely worth talking about with some one you can trust!

If you have to..look at it like this, would you rather tell some one and look 'stupid' or live with this anymore and be conciencous (sp?) the rest of your life? The sooner you start recovery the easier it will be.

When I told my mom I had AD, she was like "no I think you might have diabetes!!" i was like IREALLY dont think so!

It may take some reinforcing. If it helps, show them a a helpful book. Find a site that has good information and say that you are concerned you have symptoms of this.

Well, good luck to you!! dont imagine the worst, think of the best! youre that much closer to recovery


Well-known member
Reholla, your mom thought you had diabetes? :lol: Sorry, that's too funny, lol!
Baseball07, I'm really sorry, I'm in the same situation as you. I really wish I could help but I can't. I really need to confide in someone but I can't think of a single person who would care.