HEYY baseball! I was the same as you... none of my (very few) friends knew about my problem. I thought to myself, I can barely make friends, so why would i want the very few ones I had know about my "psycho illness"...they would just be weirded out and probably not like me as much.
I am a really independent person and I hate burdening ANYone, not even my parents. All my life when I had problems, for the most part, i would just keep it to myself, or solve it on my own. I knew other people had their problems and I didnt want to annoy anyone else with my own. BUT this "problem" is far different from others and is definitely worth talking about with some one you can trust!
If you have to..look at it like this, would you rather tell some one and look 'stupid' or live with this anymore and be conciencous (sp?) the rest of your life? The sooner you start recovery the easier it will be.
When I told my mom I had AD, she was like "no I think you might have diabetes!!" i was like IREALLY dont think so!
It may take some reinforcing. If it helps, show them a a helpful book. Find a site that has good information and say that you are concerned you have symptoms of this.
Well, good luck to you!! dont imagine the worst, think of the best! youre that much closer to recovery