I quit my medication...


I've been taking fluoxetine for around 3-4 years, and recently I've decided to quit. I don't want to be a slave to these pills, so for the past few months, I've been weening myself off them. Last Friday was the last time I planned on taking them. But I've getting some negative effects (as expected) but also some positive....
I originally took them for depression and SAD, and I noticed that lately, I'm not as shy as usual. I can (usually) strike up a conversation and keep it going for awhile, and I dont get as much SAD related anxiety attacks. As for the negatives though, I've been getting some stomach cramps, and been going through some nights of absolute misery for no apparent reason, just intense feelings of guilt and depression. :( I've also noticed some increase in OCD-like symptoms...
I just don't know what I should do now... continue using them, or keep going, or what. :?
What do you guys think? Any of you had any experiences like these with medications?


Well-known member
That's a hard question to answer.

If I was taking medication and it was on the whole making a positive difference, I would continue on it.

On the other hand, if you've been on it for a far while, which you have mentioned, it might be wise to see how you manage without it to see whether there is still a need for it.

What does your doctor think of you going without medication? I would discuss it with them, and your family.


Well-known member
i tried doing this and started taking a natural substance called Serenity that supposed to make you more relaxed. Not to say it wouldn't work for you, but i was off of my medication for a month before i had a mental breakdown and went back on. I don't think it's because i needed the drug that strongly in the first place i think i built an immunity to it and it's part of me. Sad really, it used to bother me alot more and i felt guilty, like i was cheating the rest of human kind who deal with their problems without the aid of anything. But lately i don't know i can't care as much. What was the main reason you wanted to quit taking your meds?


Well-known member
I've been on fluoextine on and off for the last 10 years, i have had breaks though and i noticed an increase in ocd symptoms. i would say that if the negative symptoms you're getting from stopping the drug persist or get worse you perhaps should consider going back on the drug.

i know what you mean about not wanting to be a slave to the medication, i've had this conversation loads of times with my gp over the years! let us know how you're doing


Well-known member
i've been battling with this for about a year now. everytime i try to get off paxil i get severly depressed. the thing is, i only too it for anxiety, i've only started experiencing depression adn severe anxiety only after i started trying to get off of it for the past two years.

plus i'm afraid my anxiety will come back. at the same time, i'm afraid one day it will stop working (i've heard horror stories) and i won't be prepared to take life's knocks since i've been on medication for so long. i want to be able to take life on my own ya know?

i highly highly HIGHLY discourage coming off medication by yourself. this past time i tried had been my fourth time trying and the worst by far. i ended up really really depressed. a doctor should be monitoring your ever step and you can really get into some hot water if you come off it too quickly.