I Never Have Anything to Say to Anybody?


New member
Why am I like this? I'm introverted, but not shy. That means that I need more personal time to recharge more than most people, but when I am with people I am just fine. However, when I'm trying to talk to new people, I simply have nothing to say to them. I want so badly to meet new girls, but it's so hard when you have nothing to say to them. I can't think of anything to ask them either... "hey, some weather huh...?" wow so interesting I'm sure the relationship will just blossom from there. Today in english I spoke to this one girl who's pretty cute. I asked her name and gave her mine. She said "nice to meet you". After that I just made a comment on the teacher and then turned around with nothing else to say. God, is that really the best I can think of...? I get jealous whenever I see a guy and a girl just talking. All I can think of is "damn, how can they be talking for so long and seem so into it, I couldn't do that in 1,000 years".
I think after some deep soul searching I've come to the conclusion that I just don't care much about other people, that that is the underlying problem. I just might be self centered and not realize it. Maybe I'm not asking better questions because I don't care what the answer would be. How do I care more? It all comes down to me wanted more relationships with people, girls especially. I fail at such a basic part of relationships, which causes me to be more lonely and bitter towards people who can talk so freely and happily.