I need to know Guys please help


New member
I went out with this wonderful guy who has Social Phobia. I was his first girlfriend ever and he was 32 at the time( I'm older). We where together for almost 3 yrs. He had a past drinking problem when we met but was sober.(he had 2 dui) We never fought, I know he couldn't take being yelled at or criticized. I always tried to make him understand that I felt he was amazing. Something happened between him and his brother. They lived together all there lives.(He's an alcoholic) anyway my ex started drinking again and we started having problems. I ended up yelling at him about something stupid and he broke up with me, Here's the strange things, when he thought I was starting to see someone else he got very jealous and called me and left a message and then did the same to my son. I went to see him that night and we where making out when he pushed me away and ran away and hid!? He wouldn't talk to me but he kept helping me with my kids. Picking them up from school,all kinds of stuff. He came to Christmas dinner with us. He spent a lot of money fixing my Jeep, even driving me to the airport to go see my oldest boy. Then another girl asked him out and she was abusive to him(My daughter and Hers are friends so I heard every bad thing she did Including cheating on him from the begining. She used him for penny he had) they finally broke up several months ago. I had stopped talking to him when he was with her .I had gotten very sick with cancer. Well January 3 he asked my daughter(the kids and Him have kept in close contact) to ask me to call him. I couldn't at the time because I was going through more treatment. But I hand embriodered him a pillow for his Birthday later that month. I had finally got up the strength to text him and said I was glad he liked the pillow. I thought I'd get no response but he texted back right away that the liked it. But I didn't text more cuz he was at work. So I thought I'd try something a little more forward. It was snowing real bad and I know he works for the borough plowing so I text" Hey Polar Bear(My nick name for him was Bear) it's not fit for man nor beast out today, stay warm." Again I didn't think I'd get a text back, right away he text back"U Too". It's been 18 months since we split. Even when he was with this other girl he told my BFF that he wanted to be there form me and that if I need something I was to call him and if I didn't she was to tell him so he could help me. He kept My phone number all this time. I'm usually very forward. I asked Him out in the begining, well it was more like your going to take me out in the funniest way I could. He always liked that I had done that. But now I don't know what to do. It's just that he had asked my daughter to ask me to call him. I'm afraid that he thinks to much bad crap has happened for us to even try again. Please guys give me your opinion. He was diagnosed with Social anxiety and AvPD after his 2nd DUI(He got his 3 right after we broke up) What should I do to help reconnect with him. He never thought he was good enough for me.