=[ i need cheering up


Well-known member
Me and my girlfriend broke up..
Long story behind it all
best friends for a year.. got together
had a great year together..
Okay.. she lives in brasil.. she lived here for awhile.. hence how we met.. she had visa problems and had to be deported..
i went to brasil a few times for a few months..
I love her like so much..
but we have problems.. because of the distance.. and the fact that she is failing univerisity cause of the relationship..
I wish she wouldnt.. but she is
I am not focusing on my life.. and realised that i was just putting her 1st and not thinking about my life..
She is right breaking up.. She said its best for both us even tho she loves me so much.. she says.. in the future, when she finishes uni and becomes sucessfull.. we can still be together.. she just wants me to suceed in my life... and be the guy she fell in love with in the start..
i no that some people are probably board reading this..
But i just hope.. in the future.. we can be together again.. she said, she has never felt this way for anyone..
And true love never dies right?
I just hope things work out for me..
and i dont like fail..
I really do hate myself..
Plus.. my anxiety played alittle part in the break up when we wherent together.. insecure and stuff.. AND I FUCKING HATE MY SELF FOR THAT... I SHOULD OF JUST SNAPPED MY FUCKING SELF OUT OF IT!!!
But yeh.. maybe it will work out once she can live here again..
fuck, sorry for going on! just alot i needed to say to.. well i guess " random people "
but yeah...


Well-known member
sorry sweetie, if nothing else you know what to do and not to do in the next relationship, but know that distance makes everything 10x harder. problems become 10x bigger. you both deserve someone who's going to be able to be there for you.

the pain will pass, sorry you're hurting, there's sun after the storm


Well-known member
well, she says we will be together in the future.. and she is going to be going for other guys... just wants to focus on uni and work and her friends.. so hopefully
things can work out in the future =]
just gotta keep my fingers crossed..
cause i do love her like alot hehe.. and i thought i loved ppl in the past.. but nothing compares to her..
but thanks for replying =]
appriciate it..


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your break up - will you still keep in contact with her ? True love die - never! I hope everything works out like that - after you both do what you have to do - she moves back near you and you two spend the rest of your lives together. :D
Hey man i know it is hard not to hate yourself - i have difficulty with that myself - but remember she loves you. She sees something glorious and beautiful in you - love is not motivated by hate and ugliness.


Well-known member
Hi mykul! I hope you do get back together, it's a shame you had to split tho :( If i was in love ,i'd put it before anything! but i see her point, kind of, shes lucky to have such a sweet guy xxxx


Well-known member
hehe.. thank you =].. and the swearing in that post.. i dont mean that.. cause i dont normally swear hehe.. but emotions are flying all over the palce at the moment =[
but thanks for caring..


Well-known member
Mykul said:
Me and my girlfriend broke up..
Long story behind it all
best friends for a year.. got together
had a great year together..
Okay.. she lives in brasil.. she lived here for awhile.. hence how we met.. she had visa problems and had to be deported..
i went to brasil a few times for a few months..
I love her like so much..
but we have problems.. because of the distance.. and the fact that she is failing univerisity cause of the relationship..
I wish she wouldnt.. but she is
I am not focusing on my life.. and realised that i was just putting her 1st and not thinking about my life..
She is right breaking up.. She said its best for both us even tho she loves me so much.. she says.. in the future, when she finishes uni and becomes sucessfull.. we can still be together.. she just wants me to suceed in my life... and be the guy she fell in love with in the start..
i no that some people are probably board reading this..
But i just hope.. in the future.. we can be together again.. she said, she has never felt this way for anyone..
And true love never dies right?
I just hope things work out for me..
and i dont like fail..
I really do hate myself..
Plus.. my anxiety played alittle part in the break up when we wherent together.. insecure and stuff.. AND I FUCKING HATE MY SELF FOR THAT... I SHOULD OF JUST SNAPPED MY FUCKING SELF OUT OF IT!!!
But yeh.. maybe it will work out once she can live here again..
fuck, sorry for going on! just alot i needed to say to.. well i guess " random people "
but yeah...

awww I feel for you :cry:
I recently spilt up with my gf the pain was like nothing i've ever experianced I truly thought we were meant to be :( but now I realise I was wrong but it still hurts to think about it.
Look on the bright side mate u got south america :lol: