I need a job


New member
I went to school for dental assisting and i'm starting to realize i picked the wrong career field. as a dental assistant you have to be really outgoing and friendly. i'm neither. i'm trying to hard to get a job. i have to go hand out my resumes to different offices and it's so hard for me, because i'm the most awkward person ever. i've had 2 job interviews and failed them miserably because i just can't talk to people i don't know. i can't keep eye contact, i move my hands around nervously. i know mentally i can do what is required for the job but i just can't sell myself, or even answer when they ask "tell me about yourself.."

UGHHHH. i want this to go away.


Well-known member
Awww... ::(:
I've never been able to answer 'tell me about yourself' either. There's just a lot more to me than I can describe in 2 minutes! And, I don't want to describe it, either!
Maybe you could set up mock interviews. Get a friend of family member to pretend to be the employer and have you approach them how you would in a job interview. They could probably give you tips on what to do/what not to do.


Well-known member
If there opportunities for volunteering in your line of work, that can help. Since it is voluntary, the organisation in question is generally happy to give you a start. Actually doing the work can make your CV look better, and make you more desensitised.