
New member
I KNOW that ı am just a very very shy person whıch ı am only 17!!!ı havent got soıal phobıa but therapısts nd psychıatrıst tell me that ı hve a socıal phobıa....ı just fınd ıt hard to talk to people...ı dont know waht to talk about ...how to react!!!!...sometımes ı talk and talk to someone then the conversatıon stops and ı just dont know waht to say then......when ı am sıttıng or walkıng ı feel that everybodys eyes ıs on me..ı am not scared ıt just dısturbes me...ıts just annoyıng...ı am so bored!!!ı started to a New theapist!!!!!!ı am goıng to waıt and see!!!........i asked her can i overcome ıt 100 percent??she saıd yes but u have to try very hard..SHYNESS SHYNESS!!!!........CANT talk to people have no frıends no sex life no social life!!!!!i am loosing it


New member
i empatize you.i feel the same feelings.but i also have social phobia when i meet people ,i think they all think bad things of me .i dont know what to do for me and you . all i know is these are so nasty feelings.... :cry:


New member

blueyy i understand your pain. from elementary school up until i graduated high school shyness ran my life. in elementary i can remember having very few friends, always feeling like the outsider. everyday before going to school i would have anxiety attacks for no apparent reason. when lunch time came around i wouldnt even eat my lunch because i was afraid that people were staring at me! NOW HOW SILLY IS THAT!!when middle school came around i was still self conscious but THANKFULLY i managed to attain a few close friends. having those two friends help me be a little more of myself when we were around others, but when i was alone my terrible way of thinking came back, i was still hiding parts of myself because i believed others wouldnt like them and in turn not like me. when highschool pulled around, my two friends and i went to different schools so i was once AGAIN on my own trying to make friends. one the
biggest mistakes i made and its one that many other shys make is that we expect people to come to us and want to talk to us, while we dont make any effort, we then start to believe that people dont like us when that may not be the case at all...anyway back to my highschool years, when it came to boyfriends (or even first kisses for that matter) you can forget it. i experienced shyness around the opposite sex like you wouldnt believe. when it came to dating the few guys who did ask me out were turned down because i was too worried about "o my goodness what would people say about me if they knew i was dating that person". highschool went by slowly but surely at the end i made a few friends those of which who were shy in some areas like me, even managed to get a date to the prom (a male friend i asked my self :). but not before i heard rude
comments about my what i thought was pretty obivious shyness. i heard people thought i was weird, snobbish or even a bitch. i was hurt. i thought that people would realize that the reason i didnt speak that much in class was because i didnt know what to say, or that i didnt want to look stupid by saying the wrong thing, so my fear stoped me from speaking at all. turns out they didnt and thought i was rude. i could wait for highschool to be over. i've been out for nearly three years now i have all these
regrets. dont let your shyness rule yourlife you need to enjoy this last year in highschool while you have it or else youll be regretting things you should have done like i have! now im college, but before i started i decided i'd had enough of not living MY LIFE in fear of what other people would think or say about me! i started reading books on shyness but they didnt help all that much. they all came down to one thing..practice makes perfect. in what i mean by that is, in order to stop shyness from running your life.


1,learn where your difficulties are with your shyness. for me i had to realize that i

difficulties speaking up for myself

2. resist the urge to compare yourself with other people.

3. practice for instance if your have difficulty making eye contact, do it a little at

a time. make it a routine until it becomes a habit for you

4. learn that silences come a go in conversations (nothing is WRONG with you) and just

because you experince one or three, that its normal everyone is not going to have

something to say all the time.

5. if you want to keep a conversation going when someone ask you a question answer

them and then ask them a question in return peferably a (how or why) so they wont feel

like their holding up the conversation on their own.

6. try some positive self talk

7. know that you just MIGHT never overcome your shyness completly but AT LEAST you should try to learn the full effects of it so that you can keep it in control.

8. you may relapse into old behavior but dont be discouraged just keep doing your best

i hope some of my rambling helped you :) i couldnt resist writing you because some of the things you said reminded me of myself


Active member
Blueyyy, I completely know how you feel, cause it's the same case here.And you're right, those moments of silence are the worst thing.But wait, you'll see many people have these problems and you're no weirdo!
And you're braver than me! I can't make myself go and see a therapeutist.