I Have Success To Report! Woo!


Well, you know how I said I'd been trying to get up the courage to ask a certain group of students if I could hang with them at breaktimes. Well, today, I finally bit the bullet and asked one of them. I was quaking in my boots and nervous but she was really nice about it, and she said that she didn't mind if I did, so this a very big first step for me. :D


OK, well, I was not a loner today at interval. As I walked into the room, one of them said "hi" (I wasn't expecting this), and it took a little bit for a couple of them to notice me. They seemed very surprised but I'm almost sure the response was positive. I was in the room, with them all, like "one of the guys", I suppose.

This is good, only, I have a new challenge now. In the room, I was basically inactive (I just sat there). Now that I was "in the zone" and can probably get back in there again now, my new challenge will be to being more "active", as opposed to just being "there".

Thanks anyway guys.