I have Hyperhidrosis all over!

Hello all,

I have generalized and primary HH and suffer daily, I have had axillary Botox few weeks ago and now have dry pits but it has compensated on my chest more and left side of hair line. I'm hoping to have my facial and cranial done very soon, fingers crossed.

I have made two documentaries on this disease and run one of the biggest independent forums out there. We all suffer have wonderful people on board and we talk openly about having to live with this awful affliction. I live in a hot climate and suffer daily!

We also have a great Facebook page and Twitter and you can watch my documentaries on the forum or our You Tube page.

Very Sweaty Betty

Sweaty Betty | Facebook

Sweaty Betty (VerySweatyBetty) on Twitter and YouTube - ‪VerySweatyBetty's Channel‬‏

We care and we give you the support you need while living with this disease.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Anne and Beverly xxxx