i hate myspace


Well-known member
anyone here not use myspace because they feel like they have few friends? I would use it and have a page but I don't see the point since the whole thing is an advertisement of your life. I have a music page right now because that is one of my interests but I don't think I could ever have a regular one because I am pretty much antisocial. I have faught with the idea of having a page for some time now and have deleted accounts more than once previously.
then, when i delete it I feel alone for some reason...more alone than what I previously did. anyone else have this problem?


Well-known member
haha i feel the same way but i have 1 neways. i kno i hide my friends list cuz i had so few! and it is just telling every1 evrything bout u i just have it cuz ive had it 4 yrs and its a way 2 keep in touch w/ my friends back in Tx :)


Active member
carebear I am the same way. I will never ever get one. I am also antisocial. I have no true friends at all. It would be pointless! I am also insecure about the way I look and the music I listen to. For me, it has no purpose except to humiliate me. I have said this before, that it makes me feel really bad to know that even people here with SA manage to have one, but I cannot. That is fine for them, don't get me wrong, I am happy for them that they have SA and myspace, but for me, it is depressing to know that. :cry:

edit: Actually, I wouldn't say I am antisocial. It's not that I don't want to be social, it's that I simply cannot be because I suck at being social so I am scared to ever be social. I think there's a difference.. not sure, just saying this incase it confuses someone.


Well-known member

check out this news story:


Good news in other words: myspace is overrated! Forget about it. I deleted my account months ago and haven't looked back. I've been tempted to start a new one, but I've resisted so far! Be brave, don't give in. It only wasted my time and made me obsess over what I'd put on my profile next. Not worth it. Focus on living your life. Be a rebel... you don't need that shiiite!


Well-known member
A few days ago i was chatting with an old friend from high school. We were very close friends with him at the time. And he gave me his myspace link. So i went and chacked his page...

And lol, at first i was like "hmmm...nice page"

After checking further "How did he get to have so many friends?"

Later after reading things like "Hey, there i enjoyed last night so much, you are a party monster", jealousy started flowing through all my veins and i was like "Fuck, i cant believe this, that should have been me, hes stolen my life, we used to be close friends, why am i not like that?"

And in a few minutes i was having a panic attack realizing how pathetic my life is and how much ive been missing!!!

So yeah i hate myspace too...:/
I made an account a while ago but I couldn't really think of much to put on it :| That together with the fact that I couldn't be bothered fiddling about with it all, coupled the fact that none of my friends bother with it, plus I don't fancy advertising a load of personal information out to the world.

It's interesting, I googled a name of someone I knew together with a few details and I found their myspace page and the amount of personal info I could find out was unbelivable. It's dangerous.


Well-known member
I have a myspace profile (I'm on my third Account now) and I decided I wasn't going to delete this one. I started building my profile with all the usual stuff (like interests and such) but , I always worried about the about local people recognizing me and stuff. Why would I worry? Well, in myspace I say what I would say if I wasn't worried about what people might think of me. My "worry-free" me is very different from "always-afraid-of-people's-opinion" me you see all the time ,and that would make me feel like a liar . My "solution": http://www.myspace.com/ozkr_ak
It's not like I'm putting a lot of information about me on my profile,but that kind of gives you an idea of what I wouldn't usually say for fear of people thinking I contradict myself .


Well-known member
My friend sent me a comment that has porn in it :lol: I told her that she shouldn't because my mom might see it...I decided who the hell cares?