I feel so pathetic being so dumb about love. Was I awful?

Me and my bf broke up...... And maybe I'm stupid for letting it happen?? I don't lknow T_T Things were tense and we were soooo alike... I fell out of crush withhim. The last thinng I wanted to do was lead him on because honestly I've never made a friend like that since I've come to this city to go to school.)

I was struggling with that. I don't want to hurt anybody especially him. he must think I'm so stupid..for always wanting to work. Like I neglected him.

towards the end my anxiety got in the way.. I was so stupid... I'm scared of being cold but somehow it happens all the time.
He isn't answering my messages now.. I feel like I just ruined the best thing ever <:(

I told him so much personal stuff I usually nEver tell anyone.

I want to just curl up and die..

Does anyone know what I can do... ?I feel like a class a bitch. He liked me
A lot. I underestimated that. I also feel so stupid. I want to save hm from being miserable..I feel like a failure to the ^ 10

If there used typos I apologize.. Using a tiny keyboard and fussy screen...
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Im sorry, but dont blame yourself. I really dont know anything about what happened, but life will go on. I also recommend you read up on the subjects of acceptance and control. These two things can go a long way, not just with relationships. Good Luck