I don't want to go to COLLEGE

I just graduated HS and i am 16 years old and my mom is so forcing me to go to college. I seriously do not WANT TO, i wanted to study psychology but she's like study something that'll give you more money and this and that. Its all ABOUT her, i can't stand parents that tell their kids go to college for me because that sounds pretty selfish to me. I just want to get a job when i get back from my trip in September because otherwise i won't never get what i want because my dad is fucking cheap a.ss hell and i have my needs. She's like you need to go to college, and the reason why she is forcing us so much is because she wants people to look at her and say that she has great kids and blahblahblah. I don't think i can force myself to have to go through the same shyt i did in Highschool and college is way worse because you will have to do presentations in front of like 60 people or more. I DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE, ALL I WANT TO DO IS STAY AT HOME AND THATS IT. I doubt that my SAD will ever get better, i feel like i am drowning slowly in my DEATH. I just wish, i was capable of k i l l i n g myself and just end it all.


Well-known member
College is fun....When you don't have to pay for it.

Online Classes = SAD's best friend
Normal Classes = People are MUCH more mature and understanding in College, no need to worry.
Special Needs Departments = You won't get marked down for 'not participating in class' due to your SAD.

Chin up soldier 8)


Active member
My parents would always be pushing me to do something so they could think they have a good kid as well. They've always wanted that perfect, hard working, good christian son.

And I've managed to fail them time after time.

I'm about to go to college too, and after freshmen orientation, I've pretty much realized that I'm not going to fit in anymore than I've fit in with anybody in the past, and that people are still mean and immature. Maybe the upper-classmem are more mature, but I'm not really comfortable around anyone older than me.

Even still, I'm kind of looking forward to starting college because I've been bored out of my mind the entire summer ~.~


Well-known member
University for me was a hell. I got no friends, my health was very bad and there was lots of guys scorning me. It was a nightmare.

But i keep strenght and courage to face all of that. I knew that the degree would bring me beneficts for me and my family. After two years it brought us a life-belt and promising future.

Depressed4life just think of this: One day you'll have no one to support you like your mother. You'll look at the past and you'll regret about it.

For some people life is easy but for the most is not.


Well-known member
hey there,don't think of something stupid.if you really want to study psychology tell your parents that you really want it and see if they will give you the permission or not.tell them that if i'm not studying psychology i rather stay at home and do nothing because you're intersted in psychology.did they know that you have SP?if they know they should understand it.

i like psychology as well but i like teaching(history) as well.but with my SP i wonder how am i gonna teach. :lol:


Well-known member
Can't you study psychology at college?

Wether you like it or not, your mum is right to push you - it's her to job to help you be the best you can be and to set you up for later life.
Going to college will open a lot more doors to you in life than just getting a job at 16 will.

BUT, at the end of the day it's your choice, and you won't do well at college if you don't want to be there.

Good luck with whatever you decide :)


Well-known member
I think your find it ALOT easier than high school.

you find out that people there are there because they WANT to be there, afew annoying people drop out at the after afew months.

Its worth ago though for sure.

for me i was pretty quiet, but it was fine - i stayed a year and its set me up for the next stage of life when im ready.

good luck!


Well-known member
i went to work when i was 16, but after a year i realised i wanted more, so i went back to school and went to college. best choice i ever made trust me. and yeh people who r there r there coz they wanna be there, so its different.


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
I just graduated HS and i am 16 years old and my mom is so forcing me to go to college. I seriously do not WANT TO, i wanted to study psychology but she's like study something that'll give you more money and this and that. Its all ABOUT her, i can't stand parents that tell their kids go to college for me because that sounds pretty selfish to me. I just want to get a job when i get back from my trip in September because otherwise i won't never get what i want because my dad is fucking cheap a.ss hell and i have my needs. She's like you need to go to college, and the reason why she is forcing us so much is because she wants people to look at her and say that she has great kids and blahblahblah. I don't think i can force myself to have to go through the same shyt i did in Highschool and college is way worse because you will have to do presentations in front of like 60 people or more. I DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE, ALL I WANT TO DO IS STAY AT HOME AND THATS IT. I doubt that my SAD will ever get better, i feel like i am drowning slowly in my DEATH. I just wish, i was capable of k i l l i n g myself and just end it all.

Your young, don't go to college just yet wait a year, during that year get a job. If your intellectual type you'll notice that the type of job your doing is not of your level or caliber, or that your beyond that. it will open your eyes. good luck.

SAME HERE! DOMINICANS YO! I'm actually here stuck in a third world country studying medicine because of my mom. But I do want to be something in life, and do like medicine. But I can personally live life being a ..... well idk. A person with a moderate job. I'm making a music demo, see if that gets me my dream job. Doesn't hurt to try. Just do what you love.