I just graduated HS and i am 16 years old and my mom is so forcing me to go to college. I seriously do not WANT TO, i wanted to study psychology but she's like study something that'll give you more money and this and that. Its all ABOUT her, i can't stand parents that tell their kids go to college for me because that sounds pretty selfish to me. I just want to get a job when i get back from my trip in September because otherwise i won't never get what i want because my dad is fucking cheap hell and i have my needs. She's like you need to go to college, and the reason why she is forcing us so much is because she wants people to look at her and say that she has great kids and blahblahblah. I don't think i can force myself to have to go through the same shyt i did in Highschool and college is way worse because you will have to do presentations in front of like 60 people or more. I DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE, ALL I WANT TO DO IS STAY AT HOME AND THATS IT. I doubt that my SAD will ever get better, i feel like i am drowning slowly in my DEATH. I just wish, i was capable of k i l l i n g myself and just end it all.