I don't know what to do....:(



okay so I dont exactly where to start..except for first of all ..I just don't know whats wrong with me...I guess I could begin with my problem...recently within the past 5-6 years Ive noticed that I started weird habbits.. not exactly sure why how and when they started but i remember a time when I was younger I didnt feel that way... For example people would say i have ocd..just cause I had a few lil ocd behaviours but i never thought much of it.. i just thought it was the way i liked things done and made sure it was always that way such as.. I only put the volume on even numbers..and always make sure it is ..put my left shoe on first, I can't have my food touching on the plate.. If my work isn't neat enough or not the right way I like it I'll start over no matter how much work ive already done prior to my mistake... I wont use wrinkled paper and if i wrinkle my paper I'll just throw it out and start over theres many other lil things but the list goes on. I never thought it to be much of a problem cause as soon as I would fix something it'd be fine until I got to the point where if something didn't go the "right"way that I wanted something to go I would feel so aweful where I would break down and cry or ave massive stomach pains until the thing that wasn't right was fixed I hate feeling this way so much and I cant help when I feel this way anymore...it really affects me now and I even thought I dont want to feel this way I can't help it I just dont know what to do..nd I sometimes get so upset at myself for not being able to control it.. Imjust not sure whats wrong and i just thought maybe I was a perfectionist or somethng but what should I do? its really causing so much stress in my life and for people I love, its impossible to explain how this makes me feel and why i cant make these feelings go away.... tell me your thoughts please!!