Today was the last day of my high school career. I'll be heading off to college this August and I just feel off. Its not even nervousness. Its like a sense of an impending failure. I'm leaving all the safeguards that I've held in place for the past fucking 12 years. I know some people there but I can't say that I've keep in contact with them. Its fucking scary. And yea I'm fairly sure that most people are experiencing this. But its an understatement to say that I few social experiences. I even doubt that I've had friends. I just don't know what to do. I usually spend my summer locked in my room like hermit while everyone else is enjoying themselves. I need to go out; I need to learn how to be sociable. But I don't know how to start when I don't have anything to begin with. I just feel like a foreign exchange student. Excuse my self deprecation I just need to find a way. Anyone been in my situation. I'm willing to take any advice.