I don't know what to do.


Today was the last day of my high school career. I'll be heading off to college this August and I just feel off. Its not even nervousness. Its like a sense of an impending failure. I'm leaving all the safeguards that I've held in place for the past fucking 12 years. I know some people there but I can't say that I've keep in contact with them. Its fucking scary. And yea I'm fairly sure that most people are experiencing this. But its an understatement to say that I few social experiences. I even doubt that I've had friends. I just don't know what to do. I usually spend my summer locked in my room like hermit while everyone else is enjoying themselves. I need to go out; I need to learn how to be sociable. But I don't know how to start when I don't have anything to begin with. I just feel like a foreign exchange student. Excuse my self deprecation I just need to find a way. Anyone been in my situation. I'm willing to take any advice.


Well-known member
I was freaking out the summer before my first year too. I went to college in a foreign country, so I AM that exchange student. You don't need to learn to be sociable. Heck.. I still am a social idiot, but even then I managed to make a bunch of good friends.

If you're thinking of your highschool experience, and wondering "man how am i going to do another 4 years of that", don't worry. I found the social envronment in college completely different from highschool. It was so much lighter, so much easier. Like a different world altogether.

My advice would be. Don’t sweat it, just enjoy the summer. When you get to school next fall, make it your goal to find things you like. Whether it be trying a ton of subjects to decide your major, or joining clubs/taking lessons to find new hobbies, or joining student groups to find causes that you care about. In doing that, you’ll naturally get to know people with similar interests. If you don’t like what you tried, you can just leave, and you didn’t miss any “opportunities” because tomorrow, there will be 50 more events just like it. College is such an awesomely diverse and fun environment, I can almost dare you to hate it… because I’m sure you won’t be able to.

Congrats on graduating. dang.. i'm so jealous of the next 4 years you're about to have.
It's great fun. Being in a fear induced state and living life on the edge. Kind of like your living out a Hollywood movie.

but it gets old fast. You soon fall back into your safe(boring) and happy way of life.


Well-known member
Going from high school to college (uni) is no big deal, it aint like the movies. You can either look at the positives eg a fresh start and some college opportunities etc or be gloomy. At the end of the day it is a small transition in life. Everything will become normal and therefore boring, so don't get to worried about anything :)