Has anyone "tried" it?..It's actually REALLY effective for me when im totally depressed and just wanna die...
it's not easy though, but it helps~ :roll:
I've tried this and it does help....to an extent. In a way, i think its a healthy approach to my problems (i shouldn't give a damn what anyone thinks) but on the other hand it does make me feel like somewhat of a bitch and kind of unapproachable.
ya it helps me a little, but like hbanana11 said, when i have this attitue a lot of people just think of me as an asshole.
when i try to be myself, people say im too quiet and too nice, and then when i try to be more confident and "not give a fck" people think im an asshole. :evil:
yes it does help. The problem I have is that it is difficult to get into that frame of mind. It almost happens accidently for me and I haven't figured out a way to induce it on purpose.