I did it!!


Well-known member
I did it, I actually stood up for myself!!!
I didn't cry when someone was mean to me :p


Well-known member
wow, I'm so happy for you emma! I've been there, but never been able to really stand up for myself. you reacted really well. that idiot didn't deserve ya. congratulations. :)


Well-known member
:::dances:::: go emma!!

i can relate, you wouldn't believe some of the excuses i've gotten. if i got one at all. and i always in the end believe that there won't be anyone else.

i'm glad you know that there in fact, IS someone else out there for you.


Well-known member
Mega props! I wish i could do that, and tell my ex somethin nasty like that, only i'm gutless, and i actually don't want to lose her :roll: