i cant take it anymore


i just cant live anymore i hate my life im so shy and paranoid i cant even write this without looking over my shoulder every 10 seconds i've never had a girlfriend and every girl that likes me i always shut out and im only 15 my life is miserable while everyone is having fun going out with there friends im on the computer all day soaking in my misery
Yes I know man. I'm 19 and when I graduated from high school (Class of 2008) I felt like I wasted everything. I have nowhere to go. No friends no nothing. I can't even get a job becuase of this fear. It's the worst :cry:

Every day I search online hoping that there's something that can cure this stupid fear. I've already regretted wasting my whole life. I've had enough and I'm not planning to take this fear with me for the rest of my life. There must be a way, there must be an exit...

You're still young. Don't waste more years, you have to do something.


Well-known member
Unknown652 said:
i just cant live anymore i hate my life im so shy and paranoid i cant even write this without looking over my shoulder every 10 seconds i've never had a girlfriend and every girl that likes me i always shut out and im only 15 my life is miserable while everyone is having fun going out with there friends im on the computer all day soaking in my misery



Well-known member
I'm fifteen too. I'll be your girlfriend. Hahahaha just kidding :p

Anyway, I know how you feel. It sucks to have SA at any age, but being only 15 and having it seems to be mighty horrible. These are our prime years where we can be irresponsible and crazy and wild kids going out with our friends and partying (even though I'm totally not into drinking and drugs)...but with social phobia, you just can't do that. Ugh.


Well-known member
you're only 15.. "I've never had a girlfriend" is such a pathetic thing to say! If you act like that's some crazy problem noone is going to treat you better.

Dude, just stick through it for a bit longer. Wait till you're older and a bit more free, then you can make more choices. You're too young to understand yet and see how things really are... does that make sense? I'm 18 and I remember so well when I was 15, must have been in year 10.. everyone was still on about girls, there were obvious cool people and not so cool people, everyone still made fun of the odd people...it was all so odd. That goes away in school, then people just forget about you and you lose all your friends and never talk to anyone in a friendly way again.....I wasted school life sooo badly. I definitely never had a girlfriend but that never really bothered me, noone cared much after your age. It's a funny age to be at.

but you will probably learn to accept that. Then if you go to uni or get a job, you'll have more and more life experiences to model your problems around. Without that, at 15 you really are nothing.
libguy2753 said:
cadaver_ said:
I'm 32 - it doesn't get better.

How inspirational. :lol: :(

I can especially relate to you qwerty. I'm 21, and I feel like I've wasted the best years of my life on nothing. I use the computer, watch TV, and that's about it. No one to hang out with or do things with. Staying at home all day except when I go to work (I do have a part time job).

I'm so tired of how this is ruining my life. I was going to go back to college this semester, but I couldn't even make myself go to class. I'm now forced to once again do online-only classes because I can't make myself go to the physical ones. What the hell am I gonna do in a few years?

Well at least you have a job. Me I can't even do anything, I feel like I'm a total failure in life.

Actually I'm not planning on going to college yet but I might in the future. I'm thinking of doing online classes too. Maybe part of the reasons why is that because of this anxiety but I realized that I really prefer online classes because first, I prefer to study alone because I'm on my own boss and I like to work independently and second, I'm the one who will manage my own time. I think it's better that way.


Active member
I know how you feel- Im in my 20s and i have suffered from SP/SA on and off since I was 14. I say on and off because at times I have been really down with it and at other times ive been quite trouble free from it.

I just want u to know that there really will come a point where u can learn to live with it and actually reduce the hold that sp has on your life.

i dont have any quick fix tips, in fact ive felt myself going on a bit of a downwards slope so im going to dig out all the selfhelp books and tapes and stuff and get down to some real 'homework'.

Can i suggest 2 books? Overcoming social anxiety and shyness by gillian butler and the little book of confidence by Susan jeffers. These are great books, and u mite be able to get them out of your library.

Hope u find something of use in everyones replies. take care.