you're only 15.. "I've never had a girlfriend" is such a pathetic thing to say! If you act like that's some crazy problem noone is going to treat you better.
Dude, just stick through it for a bit longer. Wait till you're older and a bit more free, then you can make more choices. You're too young to understand yet and see how things really are... does that make sense? I'm 18 and I remember so well when I was 15, must have been in year 10.. everyone was still on about girls, there were obvious cool people and not so cool people, everyone still made fun of the odd was all so odd. That goes away in school, then people just forget about you and you lose all your friends and never talk to anyone in a friendly way again.....I wasted school life sooo badly. I definitely never had a girlfriend but that never really bothered me, noone cared much after your age. It's a funny age to be at.
but you will probably learn to accept that. Then if you go to uni or get a job, you'll have more and more life experiences to model your problems around. Without that, at 15 you really are nothing.