I can talk for ages online but in life convos r dry =[


Well-known member
Its weird i spend most of my time online becuase i have great convos and real funny ones but then in life its completely different.
Especially at work its so hard because all the staff are talking and theres me just listening and trying to make myself look tobusy to joinin
Ihate all eyes and me, and much prefer chatty people because all you have to do is listen!!

anyone else get that horrible feeling of being left out, but really its your fault


Well-known member
Same for me, and I reckon a lot of other people on here too. The whole physical world is gone and you have more time to think. The computer is a strong comfort zone.

If all the staff and yourself went home and logged into a chat room, would you join in the conversation then?


Active member
I really don't know how people can just sit and talk and sit and talk some more unless I've known them for ages or I'm drunk, even then it can still be hard. I haven't a clue..


I am the same as you, I have the best conversations online. but I can't join in a conversation with a group of people and even my friends. It's always my fault, I never give any input to a conversation and make myself feel really bad and left out.


New member
fearlessvenom said:
u guys are lucky, i cant even have conversations online

Woah - I bet youre much more careful about what you say - and sometimes I wish I was that way.

My life is on the computer - but I am like an android in Sci Fi film trying to become human. So the analogy is I am trying to become social and learn how to be the way I am on the computer - in person. Its very hard.


I have the same exact problem. I can make great conversations online, but not in person. I pretty much don't say a word when I'm with a group of people or ever crack a joke.

I think my problem is that I never talk to the people I know in person when they're online on AIM, or I never even start a conversation with them after saying hey. I just stay silent afterwards, just because I have nothing to say about them or I'm never involved in their conversations or hangouts.


Well-known member
I haven't used any IM since like 2 years already. I found out it's just a waste of my time AND energy, when someone pops up with a "Hi! How are you? Haven't seen you in a while." kind of message. That said, I suck at both online and offline convos.


Well-known member
Same, in general, with me.

Sometimes (with people I haven't spoken much to in person) I can blab on for a great first conversation, and then after that I won't talk to them again for an age because I am afraid I won't be able to make the conversation better than the last one.


Well-known member
Sometimes in real life when somebody wants to have a serious conversation, I grab a pen and writing pad, because I know that otherwise I'll just sound retarded


Well-known member
Broken_Memory said:
Same, in general, with me.

Sometimes (with people I haven't spoken much to in person) I can blab on for a great first conversation, and then after that I won't talk to them again for an age because I am afraid I won't be able to make the conversation better than the last one.

i'm the exact same way lol


Active member
Woah - I bet youre much more careful about what you say - and sometimes I wish I was that way.

My life is on the computer - but I am like an android in Sci Fi film trying to become human. So the analogy is I am trying to become social and learn how to be the way I am on the computer - in person. Its very hard.

Yeah, I know how you feel. My life is on the computer too, spend like every waking day on it almost. I've been getting better in real life though, better at holding conversations with my friend I noticed...but yeah. It's nothing like my conversations online, their more dry kinda. And can't join in on groups or anything, it has to be like one on one...


Well-known member
i'm exactly the same as all of you. it's like, when i'm in front of this computer talking to someone, is the only time my "true self" comes out to someone else. the few real life conversations i have are filled with awkward silences.


Yes, oh my gosh, yes. Talking online is so easy because nobody can really see your face or know your past. I never have the courage to talk to people in the real world, though. It's just too difficult for me. I'm so messed up that I can't even make simple eye contact with people.


Well-known member
to the original poster
OMFG yes, exactly! right now its like this is me, i'm fast thinking, can be funny, create jokes, even be a smartass!
however in real life i am boring and dull until i get to know someone better

its like i'm two people!


Talking to people in real life scares the #@it out of me. Its much easier online coz there are no expectations - if i don't want to talk to someone I can just logout. Real life isnt like that - you can't just leave without giving a valid excuse and looking like an idiot.

The only person I have ever felt comfortable with is my boyfriend who right the start I was able to talk to. I have never had that with any other person. With everyone else I am always too wound up and anxious to say something stupid.


Well-known member
to the original poster
OMFG yes, exactly! right now its like this is me, i'm fast thinking, can be funny, create jokes, even be a smartass!
however in real life i am boring and dull until i get to know someone better

its like i'm two people!

To the original poster and the above: YES, I understand completely! I have lots of happy, fun, talkative conversations online but this never translates to real life. I'm 2 completely different people in these settings. I've even avoided meeting up with my online friends of god knows how long because I was scared they'd think I'm boring in real life. :/