I am soooooooooooooooooo scared :(


Well-known member
I have a doctors appointment on monday to tell him about my social phobia. Its terrifying just thinking about it.

Does anyone have any advice to calm my nerves or something?

I was thinking of making a list about some of the things that scare me etc, do you think this is a good idea?

If any of you went to the doctors, did you have to answer alot of questions about it?

Thanks :?


Well-known member
hey. I would make a list - so you don't forget when you are all nervous. even read it to him, or give it to him, if you have to. After all, the point is to help you, and he can't help you if you can't get the symptoms out.

And, you know what, the first time I talked to my counsellor (the first person I ever told I thought I had a problem) I was a wreck! I cried, I felt like a total idiot. But the good that came out of it....it was so very worth it.

good luck


Well-known member
I was going to say dont worry about it but from another social phobs point of view that would be daft :p

When i went to the doctor i wrote a list out but didnt take it with me, when i went in i sat down, he asked me what my problem is and how he can help, i said i think i suffer Anxiety and well the rest he just took from there, he asked me all sorts of questions and stuff and i was quite annoyed cause i couldnt get a word in edge ways :p but please try not let it get to you too much because once you come out you will feel like your on top of the world (well i did anyway) it was like i got over a HUGH step and ever sinc then things have been getting better for me, slowly but surely. now iam just lookin for a gf any offers from any one? the only condition is that you must be female :lol:


Well-known member
Well it's good your taking the first step for getting better.The first time I went I was nervous wreck and I almost did not go.

Like other people said make a list of what your going to say and go over scenario of what you will say to the doctor and imagine positive outcome.Try not to freak your self out by imagining negative outcomes.

The doctor are there to help you.That's there job.They wont think bad of you because of your problem.Just answer the question they ask as best you can and everything should work out.

Good luck. :D


Well-known member
I was going to tell you to be very prepared, and make a list of things to say ... I see you guys beat me to it :D

with SA, people's fears are rarely realized -- everyone isnt actually staring at them, people aren't constantly judging that. really try to remember this when you talk to your doctor. and also remember that the only reason you're seeing this doctor is because you realize there is a problem and need help for it -- and that what the doctor wants to do, give you help. although it is entirely possible that a lot of social situations can fail, seeing a doctor is one of those that so rarely fails that I feel safe in guaranteeing you that you will be glad you did it :)


Well-known member
I'm not sure if you have this particular fear or not, but it might be something to keep in mind?
I found that if I talked too much, or reaveled too much about myself before I felt safe or trusted the person, I never had the courage to go back. The problem was, that I was so relieved to have some one to talk to, that was garanteed not to repeat my words, that I would babble my head off. I finally explained the problem to the latest shrink and are working on my trust issues. :p
Off track a bit, but basicaly I just mean keep the first few sessions simple, or at least untill you feel comfortable (be that however fast or slow for you).
It's one of my quirks anyways.