i am so frustrated i am not broken don't try to fix me.(not u guys)

I am fed up, yes I am quiet and shy and sometimes awkward and yes I feel like it would benefit me to become a bit louder (that's why I signed up for some clubs last night and today) but I am not broken, I am normal just like anyone else just a little bit quieter. I am sick of people trying to fix me and give me advice ive heard time and time again...like they automatically assume I have a problem with being quiet, no I don't sometimes I like being the quiet one means I don't have a large mouth, I speak only when I have something benefical to say. Like today I was practising for my presentation with the others in my group and they suggested self help books, becoming more confident by etc etc etc, **** right off!:kickingmyself::kickingmyself::thumbdown: I KNOW, and I've tried and im working on it I don't need them to shove how confident they are down my throat and try make me confident cause it wont work the help needs to come from within...im sick and fed up.
just a huge rant because to them I am quiet but it doesn't define who I am. One of the girls in my group said to me "just be confident" oh yeah cause someone with SA finds it soo easy to be confident in performing a 30 min presentation infront of others. Argh :(


I can relate.I have been pointed out as the quiet one for as long as I can remember.I have a pile of books on how to overcome shyness but I am only picking up a few tips.


Well-known member
I'm quiet because I never have anything to say - I also don't have a voice built for shouting or loud speaking, and apparently when I speak I don't speak loud enough - but lately I feel words are a waste if you haven't got anything to say, and I mean when people have nothing interesting or useful to say, they fill it with gossip.
I'm all for connecting over a tv show or a music genre/band, but if all they have to say is which of their acquaintances are doing what behind another's back, and even worse when they talk about celebrities the same way, well, it's better they just say nothing at all, imo.
I hope that doesn't sound rude :/

Nobody's ever tried to ''fix'' me though.
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Well-known member
Im 100% the same!
Ive just come back from a staff meeting at work and i didnt say a word! I find groups awkward, i find it awkward when people joke and get louder.
It's true just because your quiet people think theres something wrong!

I dont no, im fed up to with it :( but i make sure i smile and say as much as i can (which isnt much) doesn't help working with this woman who can talk for England!


Well-known member
" I mean when people have nothing interesting or useful to say, they fill it with gossip."

Oh how true.. And they chew and chew on this. Especially about someone like me. What they don't know, they quickly invent and pass forward to snowball.


Well-known member
Oh wow I can relate to you so much. The other day people at my school were saying that I'm like a 'walking coma' probably because I'm so quiet. It's frustrating really because I'd really love to talk sometimes but it's not as easy as it is for them.