I am fed up, yes I am quiet and shy and sometimes awkward and yes I feel like it would benefit me to become a bit louder (that's why I signed up for some clubs last night and today) but I am not broken, I am normal just like anyone else just a little bit quieter. I am sick of people trying to fix me and give me advice ive heard time and time again...like they automatically assume I have a problem with being quiet, no I don't sometimes I like being the quiet one means I don't have a large mouth, I speak only when I have something benefical to say. Like today I was practising for my presentation with the others in my group and they suggested self help books, becoming more confident by etc etc etc, **** right off!:kickingmyself::kickingmyself::thumbdown: I KNOW, and I've tried and im working on it I don't need them to shove how confident they are down my throat and try make me confident cause it wont work the help needs to come from within...im sick and fed up.