I am confused about AvPD. Do I have it?



I don't really experience anxiety when I am in social situations, and that's whats really making me question if I have AvPD or not. Is it possible to have AvPD but not have anxiety?
Like, for me, I don't constantly worry beforehand about having to meet someone. I of course don't like meeting people, and it is extremely uncomfortable for me when I am around people though.
Like, I feel like they are being rude or mean or don't like me or that they think I'm disgusting, when in reality they probably don't even think anything like that. I just feel like people are just so judgemental of me and feel that I am not as good as they are.
Like, I feel like people think I act wierd or I feel like they think I'm wierd, and I'm always self-conscious and obsessed with thinking that they are judging me and looking at me like I'm a loser.
I suffer from schizophrenia as well, so I don't know if this is just the paranoia aspect of my schizophrenia, or if this is because I actually do suffer from AvPD as well.
I really feel like I do have AvPD, but the criteria doesn't exactly fit me perfectly but I do share many common symptoms.
Can anyone else tell me if maybe you've experienced what I've experienced and whether or not this seems like I have AvPD symptoms or if you think it is just because of my schizophrenia.
I'm no expert, but it's my understanding that the two disorders are similar- the main difference being that those with AvPD want to interact with people and have close relationships/intimacy.

I can't tell from what you've said so far whether this is the case for you- maybe it is if the reason that you're worried about what others are thinking about you is that you want to be accepted by them and perhaps form friendships or some kind of relationship with them.