Well-known member
For as long as I can remember, I have been a socially unwilling person. As a kid, I was the loner who sat in the corner. I had a couple of friends, but when I fell out with them, It seemed to become even worse.
I moved to a new school, the people were hostile, and bullied me about my social isolation and 'slowness'. I tried hanging out with a group, but once again, I had a fallout and the cycle began again.
I moved again, at my last school, I actually found a decent group of friends, who I have kept. But certain people still annoyed and bullied me about my social incompetence, however it was much milder.
Some days, I would be as socially relaxed as a normal person, other days, I simply couldn't do anything, no work no nothing.
I worried about how I looked, I hate wearing shorts which reveal skin above my knees, I hated writing anything which could be socially demeaning in english, although only the teacher would see it. Everything, every decision was based on how I or it was socially interpreted. If a piece of writing or a decision would give me a high mark, but it had the 'potential' to demean my social standing, I wouldn't do it. Instead I would write a modest piece which would give me a B/C.
*When I get asked about my private life, I reveal nothing.
*At work, If I am being watched, I get anxious and make mistakes, They see me as inferior and I am down for some time.
*I especially get nervous around this girl I really like. I make really shocking mistakes and do some really odd things. One time I forgot to put the meat in a burger, I handed over an empty chip packet, assuming I put the chips in there, I left my wallet and phone, and kept my gumboots on because I was focusing on saying goodbye to her. In doing so, I failed to remember something which is usually automatic.
*When I open an MSN window, or send a whisper in WoW, if my friends don't reply because they are busy or away, I assume that they hate me all of a sudden.
*I get nervous when walking past security guards or store people at the entrance to shops. I haven't stolen anything, but Im paranoid that they will suspect me of doing so.
*I am affraid to say thankyou, this one really is quite awful.
*I don't like complaining about something I don't like. If someone does something that annoys me a lot, I choose to endure it, rather than try to end it.
*In social situations, I struggle to explain instructions, I worry that they may be wrong, They come out all strange and end up wrong or odd anyway.
*I am not affirmative with social speech at all. When a stranger says hello, I often whisper hello back rather than firmly say it. I choose to say 'ummmm' rather than yes.
*I try to avoid any potential anxiety-inducing situation if possible.
*I am now addicted to caffeine.
*I struggle to maintain eye contact with people, especially people I want to impress or I don't know very well.
*Very private person, no one knows what I get up to on the weekends bar my best friends, don't like people peeking at my computer screen, don't like watching TV with others, especially my parents.
I could go on...
*I seem fine in certain situations. For example if someone asks me for something, or someone asks me to do something, unless it is socially horriffic.
*I feel calm when I am at home, by myself or with only my family or friends around. I will go over the social encounters of the day, but thats about it.
In conclusion: I feel that every decision I make is socially influence. The question is :How will it be perceived? If the answer is 'not well' 999 times out of 1000, I simply won't do it. I can't emotionally express my self at all, everything sounds so mechanic. These problems have crippled me all my life, its only in recent times I have found out about the disorder. I am lucky to have completed high school last year, and I did quite well, something which a lot of sufferers can't say unfortuantely. I am working for a year, and the potentially volatile enviroment of the workplace is really driving me insane.
I cant say about this to anyone close, I cant bring myself to do it. I at least want the weight of these thoughts off my shoulders and can hopefully go on, combat this problems, and look forward to a brighter future.
I moved to a new school, the people were hostile, and bullied me about my social isolation and 'slowness'. I tried hanging out with a group, but once again, I had a fallout and the cycle began again.
I moved again, at my last school, I actually found a decent group of friends, who I have kept. But certain people still annoyed and bullied me about my social incompetence, however it was much milder.
Some days, I would be as socially relaxed as a normal person, other days, I simply couldn't do anything, no work no nothing.
I worried about how I looked, I hate wearing shorts which reveal skin above my knees, I hated writing anything which could be socially demeaning in english, although only the teacher would see it. Everything, every decision was based on how I or it was socially interpreted. If a piece of writing or a decision would give me a high mark, but it had the 'potential' to demean my social standing, I wouldn't do it. Instead I would write a modest piece which would give me a B/C.
*When I get asked about my private life, I reveal nothing.
*At work, If I am being watched, I get anxious and make mistakes, They see me as inferior and I am down for some time.
*I especially get nervous around this girl I really like. I make really shocking mistakes and do some really odd things. One time I forgot to put the meat in a burger, I handed over an empty chip packet, assuming I put the chips in there, I left my wallet and phone, and kept my gumboots on because I was focusing on saying goodbye to her. In doing so, I failed to remember something which is usually automatic.
*When I open an MSN window, or send a whisper in WoW, if my friends don't reply because they are busy or away, I assume that they hate me all of a sudden.
*I get nervous when walking past security guards or store people at the entrance to shops. I haven't stolen anything, but Im paranoid that they will suspect me of doing so.
*I am affraid to say thankyou, this one really is quite awful.
*I don't like complaining about something I don't like. If someone does something that annoys me a lot, I choose to endure it, rather than try to end it.
*In social situations, I struggle to explain instructions, I worry that they may be wrong, They come out all strange and end up wrong or odd anyway.
*I am not affirmative with social speech at all. When a stranger says hello, I often whisper hello back rather than firmly say it. I choose to say 'ummmm' rather than yes.
*I try to avoid any potential anxiety-inducing situation if possible.
*I am now addicted to caffeine.
*I struggle to maintain eye contact with people, especially people I want to impress or I don't know very well.
*Very private person, no one knows what I get up to on the weekends bar my best friends, don't like people peeking at my computer screen, don't like watching TV with others, especially my parents.
I could go on...
*I seem fine in certain situations. For example if someone asks me for something, or someone asks me to do something, unless it is socially horriffic.
*I feel calm when I am at home, by myself or with only my family or friends around. I will go over the social encounters of the day, but thats about it.
In conclusion: I feel that every decision I make is socially influence. The question is :How will it be perceived? If the answer is 'not well' 999 times out of 1000, I simply won't do it. I can't emotionally express my self at all, everything sounds so mechanic. These problems have crippled me all my life, its only in recent times I have found out about the disorder. I am lucky to have completed high school last year, and I did quite well, something which a lot of sufferers can't say unfortuantely. I am working for a year, and the potentially volatile enviroment of the workplace is really driving me insane.
I cant say about this to anyone close, I cant bring myself to do it. I at least want the weight of these thoughts off my shoulders and can hopefully go on, combat this problems, and look forward to a brighter future.