hyperhydrosis sucks..

Does anyone know if AVERT takes time to fully work? I mean I'm taking one before bed (12), and one before school (7:30), and so far so good, but will the results get better? I think they might have because the first day I took it, it wasn't good but on my forth day it's much better!


Well-known member
Firstly you don't take it before you go to bed...the effects will wear off before you wake up.

You take it on an empty stomach (wait at least 3 hours after eating or first thing in the morning). After you've taken it wait at least an hour before eating anything again. For me the effect of Avert usually kicks in about 3 hours after I've taken it.

This is basically my daily routine....

7am Take Avert
8am Breakfast
9am Get to work
10am Avert kicks in and last until about 3-4pm.

The dosage you require depends on your own situation, but I take 2mg which lasts most of the day.

Good luck