Thanks for the reply random - and to arjuna who replied to me with the same kind of thoughts.
I don't disagree with you at all, I think exposure especially building up the exposure from simple steps first is the way to develop confidence and experience in this feared situation and to recognise that the situation isn't really dangerous. However, you have to remember that this man suffers panic attacks just at the thought of the street, the point I wanted to make was that when someone suffers such extreme fear, wouldn't it be appropriate to target the fear and try and put things back into context?
I was thinking that this man has got to change the way he is thinking. He is thinking of the situation in terms of the past difficulties, past negative beliefs, past bad experiences, focusing on his anxiety and how he won't be able to cope and perform because the anxiety is crippling. Remember he never feared walking down the street in terms of believing he cannot do it or that the street is dangerous, it was the fear of one thing - the threat/the danger which was the bully.
Is it any wonder he is having panic attacks and is so scared of the situation when he is thinking of everything negative about the situation and the past? What he needs to do is aim to wipe the slate clean, he needs to see the situation in terms of the reality - which is that there really is no danger, everyone else will walk down that street and come to no harm whatsoever, he knows he is in no real danger now, the fact that he can walk and complete this task. But he is not looking at the reality, he is just focusing on the past troubles.
It just seems to me that seeing this example its clear that for myself in a parallel example which is that I fear public speaking or speaking situations where a lot of people can see me speaking because originally I suffered a lot of ridicule over a speech impediment and because of that I feared speaking out loud incase of more ridicule. That anxiety made speaking so difficult for me and indeed I struggled to get my words out and had some terrible experiences where I just went to pieces. I no longer fear ridicule over being ridiculed for speech problems, I no longer even have a speech impediment, but I fear it because I fear I cannot do it and cope - because of past traumatic experiences. The reality is the reason I feared speaking no longer exists. In reality I can speak fine. It just appears to me that I have got to stop thinking of the past and the difficulties and have got to wipe the slate clean and see the situation for the reality that it is. That I can do it because I have a brain and I can speak. That I am in no danger of ridicule for saying words wrong, I am in no real danger whatsoever because whatever happens it really does have no impact on my life.
I just think that there is so much that can be done in order to remove the fear without having to throw yourself into the deep end when you are having panic attacks and so incredibly scared. Putting yourself into public speaking situations when you are having panic attacks just seems really difficult - we know how huge anxiety effects performance, we really do not want another traumatic experience.
But I think there is even more that can be done behind the scenes in order to remove the fear, I am going to have a long think about this.