How woul you feel...


Well-known member
So me and my mother were driving home from the university tonight (she works there and I go there) and of course shes always late coming out while I'm sitting in the car waiting. Anyway she finally comes out I didn't say anything about how late she is. while we are driving she says o I want to hear the news about that girl (some girl who went missing 2 weeks ago) and i said ya theres no news at this hour and who cares you can see it on tv tonight. She made a big deal about that so he takes over the radio. Any way as we keep driving I'm still pissed how she changed the channel and I said wow this car in front of us is really ugly. then out of no where she says I guess thats why you don't have many friends or a girl friend...Like wtf!! who the fuck does she think she is to say that she has no idea about what I have to deal with everyday and she goes and says something like that. This isn't the first time shes insulted me like that either.

Anyway I just wanted to vent that, I'm still pissed about it though. :evil:
I know u said you were just venting but i wanted to reply anyway :)

That wouldve pissed me off too, but she would have only said it coz u annoyed her with the radio thing, she probably thinks you always seem very negative about things. My BF is often the same way, he always seems to have something negative to say about everything. I do it too. Sometimes its easier to say negative things about other stuff or people so we dont have to focus on how we are really feeling at the time. And to other people we often come across as angry, arrogant, rude - glass half empty.

Have you tried talking to her about whats going on? Maybe you could try writing her a letter, it might sound dumb but at least that way you can go over what youve written to try and get it to 'come out' they way you want, and the reader cant cut you off half way through a sentence. and you dont have to be there when they read it. (i use to 'communicate' through letters when i was younger lol its just so much easier)


New member
Have you talked to you mom about what you're going through? Maybe it'll help if she understood.


Well-known member
good comment quietlyobserving I totally agree when your saying we think up negative things, so to ignore how your really feeling, I do this alot its so easy for me to start cursing everything and everyone around me that I lose touch of the bigger picture, when it comes to bitching I'm as bad as most girls (no offense ment), but i think its just feeling insecure, today was the first time I really analysed what was going on in a positive way, my best friend rang me up he's in australia at the mo and wen we had finished talking I was so pissed off with him, but there was no real reason for me to be, after the analysis I realised why,I'd only been really close to him for the same time i'd had SA/OCD about 3 years and now I was feeling better we had no real connection, this guy had looked after me so much and I don't know what to do I feel like if i had the choice i'd distance myself from him, im really confused b/c at the same time he's the nicest guy i know, he's been an amazing friend to me and i feel so guilty cus i can't be friends with him anymore.aaaarrgggghhhhhhhh. lol your probs thinking if this is you analyising in a positive way then im damn scared of and you shud be.oli


Well-known member
IcarusUnderWater said:
People above have said some really good things. You should have just said to her "what is that supposed ot mean? :evil: "... did you say anything? If your pissed off dont hold it back because you will just get really bitter. Definately talk to someone about it if you can because keeping the anger in will make you REALLY negative and bitchy like...................................... ME. 8) lol

of course i said what the hell does that mean and she said o well your always so negative about everything, well when you feel the way I do everyday your not going to be very positive now are you, and no I'm not ready to tell someone in person about it I don't think i'll ever be able to