how to tell a guy you have HH????


You don't have to tell him right away. I'd wait it out. It depends on how much you know him too. Like do you talk to him and see him a lot alone. If you're not comfortable saying it now just wait. I had a facial blushing problem (got rid of most it it from ETS) and in the past, I would talk about it after I felt that the person I liked or dated would be supportive. I mean you might still not know, but just look for signs, if he's into you a lot too it will be easier. I said something like "ahh my face is so hot" (when I felt a blush coming on) "it's this condition I have...I have this facial blushing face gets red often" etc.. and continue the conversation.

You could probably just ease into yours. Like if it's a hot day, just say "it's really hot out"...I sweat kind of easily...I found out that I'm an excessive sweater...etc... Just say it in your own manner. Just wait until you're ready. Don't put to much pressure on it.


yeh i wish i could but he's quite "cool" and i guess im just scared he'd tell all his friends and theyd laugh about it
that makes him sound like a complete dick and someones probably going to say he's not worth it if he'd do that...but to be honest what teenage guy wouldn't be like "Uurggh" if you told them something like that...its just a natural reaction


Well-known member
blah123 said:
but to be honest what teenage guy wouldn't be like "Uurggh" if you told them something like that...

That's the problem unfortunately, most teenage boys would just go "Yuck!" if you told them something like that.
I suppose his reaction will depend on how much he actually really cares about you. If he really does, he'll accept it and not be nasty.

Good luck :)


Just don't tell him. He probably won't notice, or won't think twice about it even if he does notice. Particularly if he likes you already. If you NEED to confide in him about it, I would wait until you know each other REALLY, REALLY well. There's no reason to bring it up when you're still getting to know each other.

Remember: people are rarely as observant as you think they are.


id say tell the person that you are dating. if a person really likes you and you are comfortable with the person.... tell the person you are datin that you have HH. well, i did and she was very understanding and supportive. the more your HH will kick in and the more stressed you will be if you are trying to hide it from the person. i dunno if im much help, but from my experience, i think its best to tell the person when you know its right. take care


thankyou guys for replying. i think im gunna wait a while until i know him more (also putting it off because i dont have the balls)