How to overcome social anxiety article


Well-known member
Things everyone already knew deep inside but it's always great to have them reaffirmed.
Good article, thanks.


Well-known member
i hate these articles lol people who write them have no idea what we go through. its so easy to say do this and do that but it wont change my DNA although i agree that ppl whos SP is not genetic can find them helpful when reading daily for a long time.


Thank you for writing this article! I've obviously read a fair few things like this in my attempts to overcome/come to terms with everything, but this article was the most uplifting and inspiring thing I've read for a while!

I just hope I can manage to come round to thinking like it one day.


Well-known member
Alaina said:
Thank you for writing this article! I've obviously read a fair few things like this in my attempts to overcome/come to terms with everything, but this article was the most uplifting and inspiring thing I've read for a while!

I just hope I can manage to come round to thinking like it one day.

Well, it is not that i didnt think that way , but ........... ..just...loser...i think i need a helpin hand to learn optimistic behaviour once again. And at the same time, i m refusing any kind of friendship....Why? Because of terrible body sympthoms i m feelin. Probably all of you has got some of them, but i think i gathered every somatic aspect of being loser