How to implement The Secret in life


New member
I have just recently learned about the secret and have started trying to implement it in my life. My biggest difficulty has been my job. I currently work an assembly-type job, on my own, eight hours a day. With all that free time on my own, I inevitably succumb to that sinking doubt: "How is it going to happen?" "Is it really possible?"
Years and years of self-doubt is challenging to overcome, I know, but forty hours a week of this type of thinking will naturally prevent manifestation of my dreams!!!
I was hoping that maybe I could get some hints and tips from people who are using the secret in their own lives - a different perspective would be very helpful indeed!
Thank you


Two suggestions - first, ask the universe to make you aware when you travel into negative thoughts because awareness is the first step. You consciously think positive and then your old negative thoughts hit the ball back
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