How to explain why there was an awkward situation...?


Well-known member
I was surprised when I bumped into a friend from school when I was out the other day. He was with a couple friends, and I had my friend with me. We said a few things to each other, and it was really awkward. I blushed, got really weird and I could tell I had that 'omg...this is awkward, please go away' look on my face. The thing is, he's probably the only guy I feel comfortable talking to at school. I'm not sure why I was uncomfortable at this situation (I'm not shy around his friends)...I knew he could tell I thought i was awkward, which made it even more awkward...We both quickly said goodbye and ran the other way. Now it's going to be awkward talking to him at school on monday. I don't know what to say to him now. Should I just pretend like the situation was nothing? Should I make up an excuse of why I was acting strange? There wasn't really a reason...


Well-known member
I have been in that situation before, and I think it has more or less to do with the location than the person. A few people from work have sort of drifted into my comfort zone, and I feel pretty much at ease around them when at work, but when I see them at a grocery store, the bank, or where ever outside of work, it is hard to even wave at them.

It kind of sounds like you are pretty close to this person if you feel comfortable around him at school. If that is the case, you might feel uneasy because 1) it was an unexpected encounter and 2) because it happened in a location that you are not familiar seeing him.

As for how to respond the next time you see him, if he brings it up, it would probably be best to discuss it, unless you feel comfortable enough to explain what happened and why it happened.


Active member
don't really know what this situation is like now, but just some friendly advice you could apply to this and future awkwardness: time heals all wounds