How to easily magnify the effect of alprazolam (Xanax)


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I'd like to ask the question from the topic. It may seem a bit strange, but it's quite normal question.

So, my problem is that I've got limited number of the anxiolytic tablets. I must to save them very narrowly - I don't go to the doctor's very often; when I go, I go with my parent (they don't know about my phobia and are of course extremely opposite to take any chemical cures... :?) so it's impossible to ask the dr for any additive cure during such a visit... :?

It's incredible that I've managed to get this prescription... I don't know when, in the near future, I will can manage to go to the dr's alone... :(

So - I must save the cure and I wonder in relation to this, if there is any way to enlarge/magnify the strength of the action of the benzodiazepines. I don't consider alcohol, which is prohibited on these cures, or any similar cures, for obvious reasons. I mention rather some herbal cures, e. g. those containing the radix valerianae, which are commonly available.

Do you know what quantity of the valeriana is the equivalent of some quantity of, in this case, alprazolam. I know it's difficult to compare such cures of completely different structure and action mechanism, but maybe there is some correlation?

Cheers for you! :D


Active member
why are so many parents agianst medication?? im moms like all 4 it but she doesnt understand SA AT ALL but just puts me on medicine ((by the way NONE have work so far :? )) ur dr gave u benzodiazepine?, like valium and xanax right?
i wanted those SO BAD but the dr wouldnt prescribe them 2 me. and what are anxiety tablets?


Well-known member
corrinaelizabeth said:
you guys are just lucky ur countries prescribe benzos!


Why do you think so? Are benzos not available in the UK? I can't believe it.
Maybe you have some better and stronger medicines, but I've actually never heard about something similar. It's obvious that benzodiazepines can make addiction if used too long or "for fun", but they are still cures for especially anxious people...


Well-known member
Or maybe it's some misunderstanding, it'd be rather not possible that these cures would be not prescribed at all in any country...


Well-known member
Re: How to achieve magnification of the action of benzodiaze

I know Marvolo vel. Marvolo very well and I know he is a drug addict (especially benzos addict) so please not listen to him :p


Well-known member
Re: How to achieve magnification of the action of benzodiaze

qwerty77 said:
I know Marvolo vel. Marvolo very well and I know he is a drug addict (especially benzos addict) so please not listen to him :p

It's a nonsense! Please do not pay attention of such posts of qwerty77, whom I know also pretty well as a fanatic Seroxat addict. So please don't listen to her. :p


Well-known member
marvolo vel marvolo_diablos ( his nickname from another forum) I see You are not up to date, cause Im not taking anything for a half of year, so I'm not seroxat addict and i have had never been. You are wrong, but never mind, take your xanax and have the time of your life, cause I know You like be high :lol:


Well-known member
qwerty77, when you're not sending abusive E-mails you're telling people what they are. I see a very bright future ahead for you.


Well-known member
Shonen_Yo said:
qwerty77, when you're not sending abusive E-mails you're telling people what they are. I see a very bright future ahead for you.

Ho, ho - i wyszło szydło z worka, że wysyłasz obelżywe e-maile, zapewne w takim samym stylu, jak Twoje zwykłe posty, qwerty77! :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
I jak Ci nie wstyd, euforyjko vel qwerty77? :lol: - Jeśli wysyłasz już jakieś e-maile, to powinny być życzliwe i pełne sympatii! No ale zabawniej wysłać takie abusive e-mails, to w Twoim stylu przecież... :roll:

And I'm no junkie, I've taken a small dosis of alprazolam only twice at all! Is somebody such any junkie?
And what, tell me, "short"? :x
Cheers 8)


Well-known member
Shonen_Yo said:
qwerty77, when you're not sending abusive E-mails you're telling people what they are. I see a very bright future ahead for you.
dont write rubbish. all what you have written is trash and it is not true. I dont send any abusive mails! You must have any paranoia I think, this is why you write such false things about me. You moron!!!


Well-known member

Excuse me?