How to calm SA for a short time?


Hiya, has anyone got any ideas or techniques on how i can calm my nerves for a dinner party??

Its in two weeks time and tho i am working on my SA its just the beginning and its more learning the techniques to use over time.
I know there is no quick fix but has anyone got any positive ways which helps calm them or feel less anxious. At the moment i'm working on changing thought patterns but at the time this can be difficult to do as the negative thoughts still take over.

I'm especially nervous as last time i went out with the same people it didnt go so well and i was anxious all night and didnt seem to calm down at all then was a mess after and kept kicking myself.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.


Well-known member

Well, I would consider some immediate solution, as some benzodiazepine for example. Alprazolam is good, but the dose depends on individual susceptibility.

It's prescribed (at least in Poland), so you would need to go to some doctor for it. Some drs don't like to prescribe such drugs, unfortunately.

It's only my suggestion. It's a good anxiolytic, but it can cause some addiction if abused, so it's better to use it wisely.

Cheers! :)


thank you for the idea but i would rather not have to rely on drugs just for one day also i know what my doctors like and she isnt too keen on handing out drugs unless its the very last option.


Active member
2 large bacardi and cokes normally help me through things like this , i know it isnt ideal but we have to do what we have to do



Well-known member
Umm well try picturing urself being confident and happy and try a floating technique that i read in a book u picture floating on a cloud and being very chilled try to keep that floating feelin in ur head while u sit with them and just relax sit back in ur chair, take slow deep breathes, loosen ur body etc i hope this helps even a little :D


Smoke a bowl of some fresh mary jane before your dinner party. That and 1mg of Clonazepam really helps me through dreaded times. This is just me though, so get baked at your own risk!

Seriously though, just try to breath deeply the whole time you're at the party. Not so its noticeable, just try to breath in a relaxed pace while you're at the party, thats it. It'll be sure to reduce your anxiety at least a little bit. That's all I got except my secret method mentioned above....



Well-known member
SilentType said:
Smoke a bowl of some fresh mary jane before your dinner party. That and 1mg of Clonazepam really helps me through dreaded times. This is just me though, so get baked at your own risk!

Seriously though, just try to breath deeply the whole time you're at the party. Not so its noticeable, just try to breath in a relaxed pace while you're at the party, thats it. It'll be sure to reduce your anxiety at least a little bit. That's all I got except my secret method mentioned above....


pot makes me more anxious


LMAO thanks for those tips. I'll definately try the breathing and trying to calm myself down. The floating on a cloud technique sounds interesting i'll have to look it up. Cheers for that.


Well-known member
concentrate on your belly when using deep breathing techniques. it distracts you from outside sources, and focuses you on yourself.