How rewarding!!!


Well-known member
Part of why SA exists is not only that you let people's negative comments bother you, but you let the positive ones act as a high. Yes, I get a high when someone I think is better than me laughs at my joke or tells me i'm intelligent. This is just as much part of the problem.


Well-known member
Right. Right. It's all overvalueing. Our "up" is as high as the sky, our "down" is the deepest imaginable. I often can't stop smiling for, like, hours, when somebody tells me something a little positive. And I often laugh too loud and too long. It's all emotional rollercoaster, and it makes social situations really awkward.

What about you?


Active member
To be honest I rarely get criticised, so my social phobia is really just based on the fear of criticism. In fact I've experienced more actual criticism in one week of being on this board than I have in several years of everyday life. How ironic. But I think your right, if you put too much importance on praise and acceptance it can be devastating when you receive the opposite.


Well-known member
I try to let positive comments affect me to the fullest! who doesn't want to feel good about themselves? I guess it's important to not let other people completely dictate your happiness or sadness. You should be able to initiate it yourself, but when I am able to feel happy I always emerse myself in that feeling and try to make it last.