Benny, you write really well and I cannot find fault in what you say.
However, we all suffer differently and my SA is created from my negative self image, not a fear of situations as such. i.e. when I get my haircut and wear my favourite clothes for example, my self confidence increases tenfold, I used to be extremely confident up until the age of about 13 when at high school I was ridiculed, insulted, called names, put down, teased on a daily basis for many years. I lost all self esteem and believed I was so ugly and so not good enough. I have made huge progress from my lowest point where I could not leave the house some days, I could not go in shops, I could not make eye to eye contact with people, I could not speak to people one on one without having panic attacks, I could not use the phone, I could not speak out loud in front of people. I have managed to overcome all of that and am just a million times more confident and my SA has faded considerably. However, I still have insecurities to sort out, I still have a negative self image, I think so extremely negative about my perceived flaws to the point where they are totally out of tune with reality - i.e. I accept everyone else as fine and good enough no matter what flaws they have - i.e. I see just a flaw big deal - no one is perfect, but because I suffered constant ridicule and put downs about my flaws to extreme levels, I have just lost the plot in terms of how big my flaws are. I even wrote on another post how I accept people who have flaws and how they look as being fine and good enough, but believe that if I looked like them I would not accept myself because of the importance I have been lead to believe flaws on me are. All of my negative beliefs I am looking to change in order to overcome SA is aimed at my beliefs on my perceived flaws and trying to believe I am good enough. I got SA because of losing my self esteem and believing that I was like a walking freak show, that I am so inadequate, inferior, not good enough, self conscious, self aware, etc. So I want to regain my self esteem. I mean to show how bad I feel about myself I won't walk past the office where this girl I like works as I am so ashamed of myself, feeling I am so inadequate, so ugly, so crap, etc. I won't have my picture taken or look in certain mirrors because I feel so terrible about myself. I avoid women, I avoid being centre of attention not because of the situation or fear negative feedback or my personality, but because of how terrible I think of myself. These are the negative beliefs I am aiming to overcome and start liking myself and accepting myself. Because I am not that bad looking but these terrible beliefs I have of myself leave me with no confidence. I know I can overturn these. I know some people will read this and be sceptical of this overcoming SA, but you have to remember this is how I suffer and indeed it doesn't do overcome SA all by itself but I will not have that negative self image, I will not be thinking I am inadequate, inferior, not good enough, I will not be self conscious, I will not be focusing on my negatives such as my flaws in my appearance, I will understand that my flaws are not a big deal at all, I will believe I am good enough, and a huge amount of the reasons I am so anxious will fade away.
I wrote on another post that I believe SA for myself is because I have a value I place on myself and my abilities to succeed in situations and I compare that with other people and with levels I believe I need in my ability in order to succeed. And because I value everyone as being fine and normal and I place such a low value on myself, I feel I am not good enough, feel inadequate, self conscious, self aware of my flaws, feel inferior, etc, etc and feel anxious. i.e. women I think are nice I feel huge anxiety, authority who I place a high value on, etc - are people I feel particular high anxiety around. Whereas people I don't rate highly I don't feel this inferiority I do around them and therefore not really anxious. However, situations I know I have a subconscious low level on my ability to cope, perform and succeed - I am anxious in as I feel not good enough, inadequate, etc, etc.
So in one week my aim is to sort out my extremely negative, exaggerated beliefs on myself on how I look. I mean at university I had some girls who were really nice, I don't look that bad - I am tall, in good shape, cool hair, smart, told I have nice eyes, I had a girl email me at work saying she was my secret admirer and I had never even spoken to me before, so I can't be that bad, but because of the past negative criticism I just feel so terrible about myself. Its got to be put right. i.e. meeting this person in the summer, if I believe I am good enough and not thinking hugely negative terrible things for myself, I should be able to be myself and have confidence in me. I will work on all the other things that contribute to my SA, but once I believe I am good enough I will feel I can put myself into situations. So it has to be done for me. It won't be the same for most other SA sufferers, but we all suffer uniquely.