How I cured my anxiety problems


New member
Hey all

I just wanted to join up and share my experiences with anxiety - a story with a happy ending
I had always struggled in social situations, specifically high school, and it lead to me falling behind a year.
But when my mother died my life just fell apart. All my friends had moved away to college already and I was still stuck in high school
I had already been seeing a psychologist on a regular basis, but I just couldn't deal with doing that anymore, I was just so fed up with it all - the therapy hadn't worked for me yet, why would it start working now?
I started seeing a psychiatrist, and he put me on antidepressants but they didn't work for me either (a side effect of suicidal thoughts does Not help)
Anyway, this was about 5 years ago. Since then I resumed my therapy with my psychologist and started making some progress.

Recently however I found this one self-help program on the internet, made by a man named Jon Mercer and it's really fantastic.
It's a series of easy to follow videos and I'm just going through them one at a time, and every day I see myself improving! I just feel great about it!
I feel like I can put all of this behind me now.

so I just wanted to share with all of you my thoughts, and if you're interested in the program I'm using you can see his first video 'lesson' at the link below, about halfway down the page - and sign up to get the rest of them if you're impressed like I was.

if anyone else has used this program I'd love to hear how it has effected your life as well!

here's the link:

looking forward to your replies


Well-known member
It's an affiliate link so keep in mind that his or her opinion is not exactly unbiased. This person will receive money if you sign up through that link they offer. It's a little cruel to prey on people who are desperately looking for help. Atleast offer an unbiased, unaffiliated opinion (and link) that we can respect.


Well-known member
phoenix how'd you tell it was affiliate lol?!

Anyhoo no harm in watching the video right i thought it's free...i press play nothing happens :?


Well-known member
I used to do affiliates and know all the little tricks in the book. This one isn't even a very good one at all. Mental health affiliates are the lowliest type because they prey on people who are especially desperate.

Usually you will find the person will have 1 post and the first post is about how amazing something is...not even a fair appraisal because its way over the top with praise and obvious selling points. No product is that perfect, and if it was then it probably wouldn’t need affiliates. The sad thing is most affiliates haven't even used the product they are advocating.

The link is a link hider like tinyurl. It changes a long link, like an affiliate link to a very small one. If you buy through this link, the person makes about 60 dollars. Not bad eh?

It's difficult, because who knows maybe the program is good? But you can never tell because the primary motivation is money. If it wasn't, they would have put a direct link up.


Well-known member
You got over anxiety by selling a product to message boards? Way cool. Where can I learn and eventually master your ways?


Well-known member
lets be frank kristen 33

). Lets be frank Kristen33. There is no quick fix to anxiety issues you freak. It takes time and effort. Adhering to the basic principles is the key to success. In most cases, medication then CBT and visualisation. With a particular focus on CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).


Active member
Yeah, Johno and tiptoe, I think you guys may very well be right about this kristen individual. I signed up for their free newsletter anyway. We'll see if we can get any gold nuggets from there. I'm not ready to drop $97. just on one person's testimony. I wished I had saved the link..but I knew a guy a few years ago that said he overcame his panic attacks and anxiety little by little... he says he kicked it. No special bells and whistles to overcome his social phobia just gradually facing the fear until it is more manageable. Little by little!
Believe me...I, as well as everyone else on this board wants to take the easy shortcut to recovery but if there was an easy solution I think we would all have it handled by now . I'm getting much better myself.
I use various different methods from meditation, deep breathing, lifting weights etc. and they all carry over into the rest of my life, in a beneficial way. SP is like being in a mental prison but there are ways out. I had listed some resources a few weeks ago but I don't know if anyone tried any of them. is one.
If anyone needs a helping hand just send me a PM. I'm not a shrink, just someone like yourself with similar issues. Helping others is part of my healing that I have made a personal commitment.