How does SA make college/university suck for you?

I am in a film program at a college right now (yr 1). I find it hard to deal with the pressures and constant communication of a production team. Plus, just getting into the college life (parties, making new friends...) is really hard. recently, I have been questioning whether I am in the right program. I mean, I am really good at my schoolwork but its hard be friendly with people and make friends.

So has anyone questioned their future career in college/university because of SA and how do u adjust to first starting school?


Active member
your not there take make friends, ur there to study film. if the course is not right for u its when the subject has no interest to you, not because you dont talk to no one while ur there. maybe u make a friend, maybe u dont that the way of life mate. Do whats best for you, because of you. not what anyone else does or say.
if this is any help, i know a few people who openly admit they havent got a lot of friends, and thats how they like it. they enjoy time on their own but are happy with emselfs.

I dont wanna sound like im spouting off, but if u donna wanna live with SA you need to accept life is boring, half of waht u see on telle dont happen in real life, everyones insecure, all they do that is different to you is live life for themselves, dont try and live it through other people.
u know what, that actually made me feel better. Ur right, its stupid to let stuff like that undermine my talent. I can do this, I just have to concentrate on my work. But its kind of hard to find the motivation because im feelin kinda depressed right now.


Well-known member
i can relate. i feel like im constantly reminded of how lonely i am.

i go out on the quad and i see people walking in groups of friends, talking loudly, joking around with each other. they go to meals together and study together and hang out and do college kid things. throwing frisbees on a nice day with a big group of people, partying every weekend, going out on dates and randomly hooking up with people.

boyfriends and girlfriends holding hands, hugging and kissing, etc.

i dont have any of that. im always walking alone and everything and yeah it sucks lol

but the hard part is i dont want to be "typical" because i like who i am. i like that i dont party and get drunk off my ass. i just wish life was more comfortable and i had some kind of suport system ....


Well-known member
I find it hard. I do not like going to parties so it is hard to meet people. The other thing is too I went to one once and it was really weird for me and I did not want to talk to anyone. I am going in to business and I think it will be hard but it will work.


Active member
It was really hard for me at first, and I got really depressed about wanting to talk to people but not being able to. But I honestly got over it. I am fine being alone now I guess you could say. I just keep to myself and try to keep away from people as much as possible now.


Well-known member
alex29 said:
but the hard part is i dont want to be "typical" because i like who i am. i like that i dont party and get drunk off my ass. i just wish life was more comfortable and i had some kind of suport system ....
I can definitely relate to this. I am the same in that I do not so much wish that I could just let loose and be a partier, rather, I just wish I could find people who are laidback like me and have similar interests as me.

College life definitely got me down, what with seeing everyone always hanging out with each other and seemingly having a grand old time, while I was by myself 99% of the time and it just seemed like I wasn't having as much fun and enjoying the college life as much as everyone else.


Well-known member
I hate my university life. I've been there 2 years and a few months and I haven't made 1 friend or done anything fun there. I'm constantly reminded how lonely I am and I hate going there so much.


Active member
Group work and class presentations are unfortunate side effects of many uni courses. I find both very unpleasant, but it helps if you focus on the coursework and let your passion for the subject triumph over the uncomfortableness of dealing with groups of people.


Well-known member
I'm just curious about you guys' daily interactions with other students.

Do you make any small talk with them?

Do you say hi, or what's up?


Active member
aww im glad what i said helped you, because its true mate! theres a time and place to concider others, and career choice is not one of them. I hope you do well xx


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
College life definitely got me down, what with seeing everyone always hanging out with each other and seemingly having a grand old time, while I was by myself 99% of the time and it just seemed like I wasn't having as much fun and enjoying the college life as much as everyone else.

im sure that there are other people on campus who feel this way and are looking for people like us, we're just all hiding! lol


Well-known member
Walk said:
I'm just curious about you guys' daily interactions with other students.

Do you make any small talk with them?

Do you say hi, or what's up?

i sometimes do. i usually can make small talk but it never turns into anything more than that which is dispapointing


Well-known member
alex29 said:
Walk said:
I'm just curious about you guys' daily interactions with other students.

Do you make any small talk with them?

Do you say hi, or what's up?

i sometimes do. i usually can make small talk but it never turns into anything more than that which is dispapointing

Yeah. Same with me, but making small talk definitely has increased my confidence.


I typically have one friend in each of my classes that I can make small talk with, but that's about it. The hardest thing for me is approaching girls. I haven't been able to do it even once for the last 2 months for fear of rejection. I guess I'm afraid my symptoms will show through and scare her off, causing me to lose even more confidence, making me worse off than I am now.


Well-known member
Walk said:
alex29 said:
Walk said:
I'm just curious about you guys' daily interactions with other students.

Do you make any small talk with them?

Do you say hi, or what's up?

i sometimes do. i usually can make small talk but it never turns into anything more than that which is dispapointing

Yeah. Same with me, but making small talk definitely has increased my confidence.

mine too.

i just came to a new school, and had all this confidence i had accumulated over the summer. i was so proud of myself. i thought it would be a nice fresh start and i could start over with making friends the right way this time. then i got here and it seems like nothing has actually changed and its a pretty big let down.

so in a way i alomst wish i hadnt become more confident because then i wouldnt be so let down :(