How do you ignore negative comments from people in the past or present? psychological


Well-known member
I wouldn't say i hear voices in the back of my head its more like everything I here from my sound like there saying he's retarded or he's weird. Do you think that an illness or chemical imbalance

I know I should ignore them but the thing is it easy said then done. I heard allot of negative , untrue comments. here's the thing when someone say some negative about me every one laugh and they share the lie with others basically spreading it. I don't say a word but I have social anxiety meaning I get really nervous when someone stares at me. people even older teachers starts rumors. as soon as I started defending myself then that when every one start calling me a bad person. look they torments the **** out of my reputation i mean lots of lies but when i ask them about it they straight up lie to my face say they never heard anything. I know they heard it because i seen them talking about it. those one turned on me when i decided to defend myself. When I went to job Corps I always had my MP3 player blasting in my ears because i didn't want to hear people voice. I mean just hearing someone voice talking **** kind triggers anger in my or cause me to be angry and want to fight with out thinking. I do have a little bit of a temper but not as much. I can take negative comments but just imagine you hear them at least 50 times a day or every time you see these people. your going to go off on them one day right. well that what happened they push me too far then I start fighting back. but the problem is that every one turn against me like they never seen that repeatedly slap in the face I was getting for so long. now when I hear just an curtain type of voice tone feel there trying to attack me. I wear my mp3 player now because I dont want to hear anyone voice anymore. but I know at the same time I have to talk to people if I want to bye something from the store.

I wouldn't say i hear voices in the back of my head its more like everything I here from my sound like there saying he's retarded or he's weird. Do you think that an illness or chemical imbalance

I type this kind of fast so it might make any sense

Jack Blue

Active member
I'm glad you posted here to seek advice/help. After reading your post, a few things struck me, but before I list some of these things I wanted to tell you that I do think you should go to a doctor and tell him or her what you are telling us now in this post. The reason for this is I do personally think you may be suffering a chemical imbalance in your brain, and this can be treated. Here are my reasons for saying this:

1. I noticed your speech (albeit in text) was a little bit incoherent and disorganized at times, you communicate in an abstract way.
2. You seem excessively concerned and preoccupied with the notion that others may be talking about you. (even if it is something as harmless as buying stuff from a store)
3. You are trying to block people out and avoid social contact due to your mistrust of others (the mp3 player)
4. It appears you might be concerned other people are working together to harass you.

I think you might have schizophrenia and that is why I mentioned those tendencies above, as they are all symptoms. Read this list of many more symptoms to see if you fall into some of these categories. - Schizophrenia symptoms, possible early warning signs I am saying these things not because I am trying to criticize you, but because I truly think you would benefit from getting professional help. Message me in chat if you want to talk about this further. I am not an expert and could be completely wrong, but please at least try to get some help for yourself and see what is going on. :)


Well-known member
hay I dont think I have Schizophrenia. I dont here voices in my head. just allot of negative comments is what gets me. yes ask my any question please


Active member
Hi =)
I too get auditory hallucinations (if you want to call them that)
For lack of a better word, I'm going to use that term.
Just another symptom that goes along with this unfortunate disease of social anxiety. They seem to occur mostly with new cirumstances... take for instance I tried to go to college I really really did. There was one particular class that made me nervous, a lot of young kids making jokes etc. On one particular occasion I was in the midst of an anxiety attack, sitting at my desk, and I heard someone make a degrading remark... someone else agree, heard something else of negative nature, and laughter filled the room. Laughing at me. I had to excuse myself and go bawl my eyes out in the bathroom. It was so extremely real because I heard it... but I know that it's anxiety talking. It's not schizophrenia. In the midst of an anxiety attack auditory hallucinations are not uncommon. I"ve dealt with them my entire life. One of my first anxiety attacks I can remember went along with an auditory hallucination. I was about 5 years old, waiting for the bus to take me home, there were so many buses...
I didn't know which one was mine. I suddenly forgot what number my bus was, I was panicking and I heard my teacher laughing at me, with a group of other teachers, saying that I was so stupid. I was so upset when I came home, and I refused to go to school. It's a scary concept, that your mind can make you beleive you are hearing something when you are not. But... it comes with the territory.It could be that you're simply so anxious, and preoccupied with the anxiety, that you're distracted from what people are saying and only catching one word in three...your mind then filling in blanks and makes you feel like like they're talking about YOU. It's kind of like hearing your own negative self talk that happens in your head, but actually HEARING it. I don't think you have schizophrenia at all and neither do I. Jack I think you have his post entirely wrong....
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Well-known member
It's possible you have a chemical imbalance. Getting treatment may help relieve the negative thoughts, but therapy can also help.

Have you ever tried Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

This therapy is specifically used to address the negative comments from both other people and the negative comments you tell yourself.

If not, I would suggest you look for a psychologist who uses Cognitive Behavior Therapy. They will help you learn how to tackle the stream of negative thoughts.

Good luck!


It's probable because your belief system is so engraved into your mind so now you are very attentive to negative evaluation, I found by getting my confidence up and trying not to care about what other people are saying/thinking worked for me along with hypnosis which helped in bringing my confidence up and changing my belief system!