How do you get help with no insurance and job?


Well-known member
Ok I'm about to be 28 and I'm tired of being alone. I went 13 years without a friend. Last year I finally made my first best friend but all I did was push her away with my mood swings and crazy accusations. So now she wants nothing to do with me and moved half way across the country. I want to get help but I don't know how or where to start. All I have is 500 dollars to my name and no insurance, so what should I do.


Well-known member
Well, I don't know what resources are available where you live, but I went to the county mental health facility where I live. They provide low-cost (or possibly no-cost) services to residents. You will probably have to provide documentation regarding income (or lack thereof). The website for the clinic I have been to even states that services will not be denied to anyone because of inability to pay.
I hope this helps and that you are able to find some professional help soon.


Well-known member
Try to find a County or other local community resource office, County Health services, something like that. Every place calls them something different just to be confusing I think.

They will usually have a counselor to talk to you and find out how they can help, or where they can refer you to for assistance.


Well-known member
If you have immediate family (like a mother or father) who has insurance, often they can still put you on their plan even though you're 28. I'm 26 and my mother was recently able to add me to her plan for a little extra in premiums per month.

Also, doctor's visits themselves aren't too expensive... generally it's the medication and supplementary services that tend to cost the most money. This is important because public county clinics are notoriously slow and inefficient... you'll be waiting months for an appointment with a financial counselor just to wait weeks for an appointment with regular doctor just to be referred to a psychiatrist and have to wait weeks-months again for that appointment. When all is said and done it could be anywhere from a few months to a year before you actually start getting the relevant healthcare you need.
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