How do you feel when you are not Freaking out?


New member

I have read that when one is not experiencing a full blown panic attack
that they suffer from anticipatory anxiety and limited symptom attacks.
What I would like to know is what kind of feelings or symptoms that you experience on days when you are not necessairly havng an attack
but are feeling edgy, the in between days. Do you generally feel sick or nauseous when you wake up? any stiffness or numbness in your body or pains in your bodies etc..



i feel like im high. imconstantly anticipating it. but the "high-ness" could be from my allergies. my neck is sore and i have some back pains most of the time. when i wake up i feel really edgy. hope this helps.


Active member
I'd say 2-3 days of the week I wake up feeling nervous and a bit sick. Sometimes I also have physical pain for no reason and I also monitor my breathing to see if I could be on edge.


New member
Keep in mind that I'm going through a bit of a bad spell right now, after having my panic attacks resurface after about a year of peace from them, and I've only for the first time sought medical help for the symptoms last week..

My time spent "NOT" freaking out - and believe me, I know what you mean - is sort of interspersed with:

  • * general out-of-sorts or anxious/depressed feelings
    * worry about when another panic attack will strike (no more at work, please!)
    * worry about the health and well-being of my loved ones
    * worry of an irrational nature about various unrelated things
    * worry about my newly-prescribed medication having undesirable affects on my life
    * worry that my constant worrying is alienating me from my afore-mentioned loved ones
    * worry that my worrying about panic attacks will make me have more (and it sometimes can and does)
    * bouts of total normalcy and contentedness

I tend to get little mini-ones in the mornings (which I suspect are brought on just by my intense paranoia of having one) since the last few real baddies started during my morning commute. After finally realizing that they were in fact my old friend "PANIC ATTACK!" I've sort of calmed down since I know I'm not going to die, or go crazy, or whatever, and I've been able to sort of "step out" of them like a robe made of anxiety, if that makes any sense.

Unfortunately I still have to do that several times a day.