How do you deal with S/A at work ?


Well-known member
I've been working in a call center for about a year now doing customer service. I don't feel any anxiety on the phone or talking to clients, it's quite the opposite I sound very confident and I am really good at what I do. The anxiety is more of problem with people around me/co workers.

Yesterday I had a co-worker make some comments out of the blue which made me really uncomfortable and depressed. He commented on how when I get to work I come in as a "ninja" and don't say hello to anyone.

He later during the day made another comment, saying something like why don't you talk to us, are we really that boring to you ? By "us" he meant himself and the other co-workers who sit near me.

The truth is, I talk to people at work even tough I am overall very quiet. It's when the girls are around I get very anxious and's eating me up alive.

What bothered my with those comments is that they were made out loud for everyone else to hear. It would've been different if the guy came up to me 1 on 1 and said those things...

How do you manage with your S/A at work ? Is there anything different I should do next time I got to work ?


Well-known member
Sounds like he's being nice to you man, try saying "Hey" every once in a while.

How do I deal with it? Medication and practice! :wink:


Well-known member
I don't think theres any need to feel uncomfortable or depressed at those comments at all. In fact i think its a really good thing he said it aloud rather than 1 on 1. If it was 1 on 1, he might be addressing a problem. Saying it aloud just means he thinks your cool and wants to use that to start a conversation.