How do I get over this!!!!


New member
Hi I'm a newbie to SPW. I am 16 and have experienced an sp since I was 6(As a result of severe bullying throughout primary school) only in the last couple of years ago have I realised how bad it was.
I am afraid of everyone at school to some degree. Whenever I go to school I feel nervous. The only thing that defends me outside of school is the fact that I usually don't have to talk to people much. Most people are really friendly and try to start a conversation with me but it always never gets off the ground.
It's not a matter of everybody's against me or feeling like i'm ugly I just feel an unconcious barrier in front of me. I have talked to my parents, gone to a psycologist for a while but it never goes. I quitted my weekly sessions with a psycologist as for once i felt confident since then I have never bothered to go again. Perhaps I should but then again I know exactly what to do to get it going but i always fail at it because of fear. Fear of rejection and sometimes even I worry about how rough they are. I just don't know what to do. Everyday and everynight I think to myself I'm going to talk to that him/her but in the end i always don't do it and somtimes I feel some type of weird confindence. "Yeah I can't do it now really but at lunch I'll be able to do it fine" or "perhaps I should wait until they are all sitting down with their friends then I can just say hey whats up to them!"
I don't know it's stupid and it's wasting my entire life away. :cry: I don't want to be like this! Some people think that I'm gay cause when I'm around girls and they are flirting with me I get scared of them and run. Sometimes they ask me out and I feel scared and say no! I've rejected all girls who have ever asked me out!!! I wish I didn't have this social phobia its killing me!!! Anyone got any ideas to help me out?


Well-known member
Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Well I guess I do.

First of all why not share with me/us how much you want to change?

Say on a scale of 1 to 100 ( 100 is maximum desire, 1 is "I could not be bothered" ) how much do you want to change ?

Secondly, are you prepared to "do what ever it takes"....or is this question just some intellectual / emotional dumping?

Before you answer that consider this....change means doing somethings that are awkward. That is it will feel like walking through wet concrete up to your waist and the resistance will be huge.

Because if you are not prepared to change your behaviour and your thinking , and your feelings.....then nothing will ever change.

Not until we are "sick and tired of being sick and tired" do we give up and ask others for help.

Take care. Be well.