How did you get help?


Me and my gf both have our problems. She wants me to get help in two weeks or get out. She is too busy with school and work to help bring me to places to get help. I live in a small town I'm not used to and hate. My anxiety problems are extreme and have been there my whole life. I believe it has multiple causes. It's to the point where I do crazy things to avoid people at all costs.

My gf doesn't understand I need help to get help. I need a close friend or, someone who can bring to the places I need to go. I feel so crazy going places death seems like a better choice than socializing. I don't want death. I need help badly but, I hope someone can understand that I need it done the right way. I can't do this by myself. Is there anyone who can relate? How did you people get help?


Active member
I haven't got help, nor do I plan to. Sure I want to be involved in social events and life like the rest of people. But yet, when I'm in those situations, I want to be far away from them. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. So to the point. We want to be like everyone else, but sometimes, we have to accept we are different. You have a gf? Well, your already ahead of alot of us in this forum.

So enough of my ranting. Explain in more detail why you need help.


Well, My gf said start getting help in 2 weeks or, get out for 1. And she says it bothers her somehow? I asked repeatidly how does my problem effect her. She had no valid excuse. I think she just likes telling me I need help. I talked to some people I know with the same problem who had theorpy, medication etc... and still they cannot even go outside by themselves.

I asked her what if I were to get the help and it didn't help me the way she expects she just gives me an I don't know. Than I asked her what happens if I get help and I become perfectly socialble she said I don't know. What the hell gives? We just got back together so I don't think she's looking for a lame reason to dump me. I tell her she needs help she doesn't even know wtf she wants.

I can be really nice do all the things she asks but, still she demands more out of me without acknowleging my accomplisments. Honestly, I wish this was a 123 easy problem but, it's not. I honestly don't think that doctors and pills can undo years of unique trauma that irritated my condition and the condition itself. I know I'll never be a full functioning member of society. But, try telling that to someone who it mysteriously bothers. When she has friends I'll talk to them as long as they talk to me. but, she doesn't have time for friends. So how it effects her I really don't know.

Someone must have put it in her head that I have to get help asap or, I'll explode or, something silly that they know nothing of the condition. Honestly when I feel comfortable and the time is right I think I'll have a clear mind to decide but, this deadline is ridiculous. She hasn't mentioned anything in a while so I don't know what's going on.

But, if one day she decides she doesn't want me than I'll have no where to go. So at least some pills, theropy, and SSI should help me to find a couple good friends when I need them. Because I seriously cannot function on my own period. I'm honestly an individual to the truest extent and not into conformity and accept that I don't need to fit in and don't care to. But, one day I'll be in a situation where I'd probably starve with $100.00 dollars in my pocket because I'm too afraid to order fast food or, go into a grocery store. Or, I'll just have no where to go and wait to die.

I love my gf but, if she can't except my with the problems and the knowledge that I may never get rid of them after all this than I'll have to move on. I'm not a bad person, I don't consume much money, and I try to be as positive as I can in most situations. So how my problem can bother her is beyond me. She works 2 jobs and goes to collage. So we don't go to many social places together. If I were her I wouldn't mind someone to clean the house take care of the pets and be there for me.

Sorry for writing a book but, it needs some explaining I guess. Has anyone delted with someone who can't get over there problem as well?


Well-known member
I guess you could say I was "lucky" because I started displaying abnormal behavior at a young age and my parents got me some help. So I never really had to go get it on my own.
I did get myself into therapy on my own, though, and I am happy with my new therapist. I think it all comes down to how bad off you are. You come to a point where you realize this life is yours and yours alone. If you want to get better, only you can do it. The way you try to improve yourself is your choice, but going it alone can be scary. Professionals (usually) know what to say and seeing someone can be very beneficial. When I am really stressed out and don't know what to do, I just think to myself, it's okay, I'll go in and talk about this next week and get some advice. It's like an extra lifeline sometimes.
My advice is it's your decision. Don't let someone else make it for you. If you are going to seek help, do it because you know it's best, not because your gf wants you to.
Best of luck. :)