How can I stop worrying about my Mom? :(


New member
Hello everyone,

I feel a little out-of-control. :(

Two weeks ago, I got into an argument with my mom, which is unusual because we RARELY fight. I know my mom loves me, but for some reason, I felt like she loved me less. I felt like my world was crumbling. I was at a very stressful job, couldn't sell our house, and my relationship with my mom was questionable. We had a heart-to-heart talk a few days ago and everything seems to be okay now except on my end. I keep worrying that our relationship won't be like it used to be. Parts of me feel guilty that this argument even happened. I wished it didn't because now I almost feel more stressed out than before the fight. I love my mom so much and I worry that she's being extra nice and is walking on eggshells around me. I feel the same way. I get a little nervous when she's around.

How can I push this worry out of me and just be myself and relaxed around my mom?


Well-known member
Sounds like you two don't get into it a lot - this can be a good thing, or possibly bad. Of course it's good that you don't fight, but if you get into an argument and it ends catastrophically, that's never a good sign. This could be because you two might hold back on eachother, and not express full opinions.

It's might sound weird, but I think a good relationship should involve a ton of arguing. It should also have a lot of nurturing, but no feelings should be left behind or held back from one another. It might sound crazy, but I think it's definitely true. Open up, let both the good and bad have their say.


New member
My mom and I rarely get into arguments, which is why I think I'm taking this so hard. I woke up this morning worrying about our relationship. I don't know why I keep thinking about it. It's turning me into a wreck. I know she loves me, but why am I feeling uncomfortable around her? I want things the way they used to be where I would feel happy and normal in her presence. How can I achieve this?