How can I know if I spoke to her?

This is fucked up.

There is a girl at work who I really like. Yesterday I took 6 mg of Klonopin because I knew she was coming over to my office.

Today I woke up at home on the softa with my clothes on. I must have fallen asleep as soon as I got home around 17:00. I slept thorugh the whole evening and the whole night.

Now that I think back I think that I may have had a good conversation with this girl. I do remember some of the things we talked about and that I was very relaxed og felt good. The problem is that I don't know if I dreamt it or if it really happened.

When I woke up I also noticed that I had a bag of groceries that I had not put in the refrigerator, but I don't remember going to the store.. There was no receipt in the bag, so I don't know when I bought it. The store is right outside where I live.

So... is there any way I can know for sure that if I spoke to this girl, or knowing whether or not she was even there at all? Does anyone have any advice?

Btw, I am still a bit affected by the Klonopin.
Next time I do something like this I'm going to write a note to myself before I go to sleep to confirm what I did and what I did not do.



Next time, don't take so much drugs before someone is going to come over. Why don't you try saying hello to her next time you see her at work. I'm sure you will be able to tell by her response if you had a dream or not. Nothing wrong with a little hello, right? But don't beat yourself up over it. Other then the over doing of the drugs, sounds like it was nice either way... dream or real.

Hope you find out soon!
I have been thinking about this all day and unfortunately I'm convinced now that it was just a dream.

But whether or not it was a dream I did not embarrass myself.

I have taken 4 mg of klonopin at work before, and no one can notice any difference. I always sleep a lot when I do that.

This is the first time I've taken 6 mg, and it worked very well. I did not embarrass myself in any way. The only difference is that there's a lot of things that I just cannot remember, or they seem very dreamish. Some of it may have happened and some of it may have happened during my long klono-dream.


endless_tension said:
This is fucked up.

There is a girl at work who I really like. Yesterday I took 6 mg of Klonopin because I knew she was coming over to my office.

Today I woke up at home on the softa with my clothes on. I must have fallen asleep as soon as I got home around 17:00. I slept thorugh the whole evening and the whole night.

Now that I think back I think that I may have had a good conversation with this girl. I do remember some of the things we talked about and that I was very relaxed og felt good. The problem is that I don't know if I dreamt it or if it really happened.

When I woke up I also noticed that I had a bag of groceries that I had not put in the refrigerator, but I don't remember going to the store.. There was no receipt in the bag, so I don't know when I bought it. The store is right outside where I live.

So... is there any way I can know for sure that if I spoke to this girl, or knowing whether or not she was even there at all? Does anyone have any advice?

Btw, I am still a bit affected by the Klonopin.

This was stupid. What happened, was that you OD'd. You weren't asleep. You were in a coma. Congratulations on not dying.

Take the recommended dosage of Benzos like Klono and Xanax, for Christ sake. I'm surprised you didn't crash on the way home. This is worse than taking 10 shots and driving off.[/i]