How can I get over OCD/Anxiety??


New member
Hi I'm 18 and i've had OCD for most of my life. I didn't get it on my own...I "inherited" it through my mother (she is very OCD, and she doesn't even know it). She would always tell me "make sure everything is in its place before bed" or "make sure you dont forget anything when you leave the house, go to school, go snowboarding, etc".

I didn't realize I had OCD until 5 months ago when I googled it. I'm always always always going over stuff, making sure I have everything. I obsess about it, and I'm always compulsing about it. When I make something for dinner, I make sure everything is put away before I start eating. When I go to school, I make sure I have everything. When I go to work (I work at a Law Office), I make sure I get everything done correctly and Im done everything on that file. This stresses me out because I don't have time for that at work. When I plug in my laptop, I make sure about 4 times that it's charging. Ill say something, and I have to repeat it. Ill get my boyfriend to repeat it so I know what I said. When we get into fights, I need him to repeat stuff so it goes through my head. Eventhough it's through my head...I just need it repeated to me. When I do my list of things Im supposed to have with me, Ill go through the list another 20 times to make sure I have everything. Its really stressful and ridiculous. When I play a video game, I save it 2 times. When I have a conversation, I always make sure I replied to everything and that I'm getting replied to. When me and my bf talk, sometimes he'll reply "half-assed" and I'll get mad at him for not repeating me, or giving me a "straight" answer. Its puts stress on my relationship, we work through it together though. Im going under his benefits so I can talk to a Psychiatrist. I dont want my parents knowing about this, Im not sure why.

I also think really crazy things. I heard a kid was complaining of ear aches and it turns out he had 2 spiders in his ear. I wear earplugs, and sometimes my ears hurt, so then I start thinking I have spiders in my ears. Or I think about getting raped, or having my car jacked. If i fucked up at work, I think theyre talking behind my back. I think of bad stuff mostly everyday, its only for a couple hours all together.

I was on the phone with my mom (they're away on holidays), and she told me 4 times throughout the conversation to get the mail from the house. I'm trying really hard to get rid of my OCD, but it's extremely hard when my mother has it and doesnt realize she has it. Ive told her twice she has OCD, but she didnt say anything..she just ignored me pretty much (sometimes she does that). She's contantly OCD, and I don't want to be around someone who has OCD because it annoys the shit out of me. I can understand how my boyfriend feels.

When im being OCD, which is literally everyday, I am so discrete about it. When someone is talking to me, I zone out and start thinking about my "lists". I get anxiety from being OCD as well. If something isn't done, or if I dont know where something is, or if I cant finish my list then I get bad anxiety. Sometimes I can't breathe. I do smoke marijuana as well and when I'm high, my mind wanders. So when Im being OCD and I'm high...Ill either go through my lists once, or a thousand times.

No one knows I have OCD besides my boyfriend, doctor, and whoever is reading this. Im going to see a Psychiatric in a couple months hopefully she/he can help me though this. Besides OCD and Anxiety, I also have somewhat of a Social Phobia, Minor Depression, and PTSD. I dont want to rely on a Psychiatric to help me, I want to help myself as well. I dont know if medication would be the best for me.

I would like other peoples thoughts and see how I can get help.


ocd sucks

I also suffer from OCD, I am a checker and washer, plus no germs. My family and people at work are used to me with my constant hand washing and checking everything. I am trying a new thing called CBT theraoy. It is helping to retrain my mind for certain things. Too bad it doesnt work for my panic. You will get through this, I also know how scary it can be. Hang in there and the light will come at the end of your tunnel. :p


New member
I am 24 and recently found out that I am OCD and have anxiety. I am similar to you in that I constantly think bad things are going to happen to me. My biggest fear is getting in a car wreck, even though I've never been in one. I wash my hands a lot, always have to clean the kitchen before I can do anything in it, have to push the radio buttons in my car in a certain order. Once I get something in my head, I can't get it out until I satisfy it in some physical way. If I am out of stamps, I will obsess on getting stamps, even though I don't need them anytime soon. It has gotten to the point where I can't enjoy going out and seeing movies. I can't concentrate on fun things because I'm worried about stupid things like stamps. I am so glad to see that I am not the only person that has issues with this. I really struggle with starting large projects. I can't attack tasks in stages or chunks, I have to do the whole thing at once, and it has to be right. Like, if I want to clean, I can't just clean the kitchen or my room, I have to clean the whole house at once. If I don't have time to clean the entire house at once, I just don't do it because I don't see that it is worth my time if I can't do it all perfectly. I have social issues too. It is really hard for me to talk to people I'm not very familiar with. There is the voice that constantly runs in my head, second guessing everything I'm saying. I even plan out what I'm going to say sometimes. It really is exhausting to live this way.
I have been on some different medications and it makes the world of difference. I have also been going to counseling, which absolutely mortified me. Just admitting that I had a problem I couldn't solve on my own drove me crazy. I've come to terms with these feelings and feel that I am making progress in my counseling. The best thing about talking to someone is that you admit your problems ( I know, cliche, but there is something to that) and they always give me some kind of resolution to the problem, or something to try differently. The biggest thing is that they make you aware of your obsessive tendencies and you learn to control them instead of them controlling you. I am actually going to see a psychiatrist for the first time tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I am hopeful and determined to figure all of this out.


New member
Thank you all for responding to me, it means a lot. I am happy that I am not alone, and joining this forum helped me in some way.