how are others able to hide their SA?


im sorta in that situation at times i feel like i break free from this problem. u know i make heavy eye contact, sound judgements, have a laugh, and being in control. anyone else i come into contact with thinks im a normal person.

but theres another side to me. a side that ONLY like a half a million people registered on this website know!

so to answer ur question, yes some people do totally hide it. im one of them.

excuse me while i go and cry now hehe


i guess if u saw me in the street. id act a little standoffish. i would kinda have a stare battle with you. straight face and all. it's kinda like acting. (damn i should be up for an oscar)

i also use real life stories of people who comeback after facing mountain adversities and think to myself it aint all bad. i was brought up and told i was a failure. i use that as inspiration to surpass my father and be a better man than hell ever be.

and once u get over the initial stage of being around people and they accept u. u get into a mode where life is just happy even though im broke, a phobic and have no direction in life i still have time to smile


Well-known member
It's definatley like acting... sometimes I can overcome it on the outside by pretending im confident on the inside and that I can handle anything, when I really can't.


Well-known member
When i want to be if you see me in the street/town i'll look as if i'm a confident loud person when you would talk to me, but on the inside i'm very nervous and always wondering what people are thinking etc. I'm ok with just walking passed someone but when they stop to talk then they would know that i suffer from social phobia coz i'd find it hard to answer a question the person asked me or make conversation.


Well-known member
Yeah I do the same thing I think I use it as a defense mechanism you wouldnt know I have sa if you saw me in the street. Whenever I talk to people I act confident. sucks really I wish I could just be confident instead of acting.


Well-known member
I act all the time,it depends on the people. It's easy with those I don't know well,but people that know me better can understand that I'm weird somehow,they can't understand my SA though,as they don't know what it is.