Hot Flushes?


Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone else with hyperhidrosis suffers from random hot flushes during the day? Mine are usually in the morning, I just feel stupidly hot and uncomfortable for a while and it tends to get better after a few hours. Could this be related to iontophoresis? I get flushing in my hands (they go bright red!) since doing ionto (about a year). Just wondering if anyone else had these problems.


Well-known member
I definitely do, although my skin does not turn red. I get random heat surges, heat surges relating to temperature and a feeling of horrible overheating. I've been told that it is the blood vessels dilating. What's interesting for me is that my HH started just when migraines from which I had suffered since a child completely stopped, and some think that migraines are related to blood vessels in the brain dilating.

But I can empathize with all menopausal women.