

Tell us :

-How much Hope u have for Overcoming SA (in ascale of 10)
-Type of treatment u use (CBT-Medications-others)
-time on treatment(months-weeks)
-Progress u made(scale of 10)


Well-known member
Outcast said:
Tell us :

-How much Hope u have for Overcoming SA (in ascale of 10)
-Type of treatment u use (CBT-Medications-others)
-time on treatment(months-weeks)
-Progress u made(scale of 10)

For me personally id say a 9 I can cope in most situations if I got my confidence up a bit id be fine which im hoping will happen in the future. So far only tried ciplogram or something but it didnt do much so after 2 months I stopped taking it so progress was pretty crap :(

I know this is suppose to be a hope post...sorry


I would say a 7. A year ago i would have said a 5 or below just because i didn't realize it was what was wrong and that it had a name. Now i know what it is and know that if i don't recover, I have a very good chance at this point in my life of becoming a true waste of space. Don't mean to sound so negetive, but I need to talk to myself that way to get motivated in order to get normal.

I use some supplements, and have been for about a year been experiementing with them, I also seen a psychotherapist for a month or so, but since i have no insurance, it got too expensive. She didn't prescribe meds, as she only does as a last resort, and I must have more confidence that I thought or put on a heck of a show because she didn't think there was anything wrong with me.I did go there for other issues however, so we never really got too much into my anxiety problem.


Well-known member
i feel i am recovered. but all the while i was being treated i had a boyfriend that was pushing me and parental support.

i have felt the anxiety for 7 years now, (i'm 20) and took me up until last year to feel like i could do the required presentations and go out to parties and even talk in groups and such.

i was in talk CBT therapy for two years and on paxil for the same amount of time. however, since *recovered* and trying to get off the paxil, i started experiencing depression as a side effect of the withdrawal. so i'm still on it. also now i have more of generalized anxiety. i can get SO overwhelmed if i'm not on medication.

i also pushed myself to go out and change the faulty patterns in my head.


Well-known member
might i add that i still have my bad days when i just seem to be off and nothing can go my way and i get frustrated with myself. but i get back on track.

also i think there is hope for everybody. we're all born with something that we have to overcome in life and this is just the hand we've been delt. the human spirit was designed to fight and everyone of us has will. everyone wants to live a happy life and will strive to do so


Chilling__Echo,You really gave me hope
Thank u so much
i know someday i will be cured ,it may seem difficult or imaginary but im on the right track all i want is hope,insistance persistance and have IT


Well-known member
(note: I'm 18 years old)

-How much Hope u have for Overcoming SA (in ascale of 10)
10. I'm sure it can be overcome. When I'm talking about 'overcoming it', I mean being totally free of anxiety/fear in any social situation.

-Type of treatment u use (CBT-Medications-others)
Reading books and thinking a lot about it! I've read books about Buddhism. Also books by some well-known spiritual teachers, or however you call that. I've also read a book about Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and CBT. (the same?) Oh yeah.. observing myself, and gaining insight about how I work has also been important.

-time on treatment(months-weeks)
I think I started reading these books less than two years ago, but it has only been a few months ago since I found out, by reading a website, that I have social phobia. Since then I have been working on it a lot. It helps that I don't go to school at the moment... more time. :p

-Progress u made(scale of 10)[/quote]
8. Doing great.

I just want to say to all of you: social phobia and similar things must be overcome by WORKING ON IT, HARD. If you believe that it cannot be overcome, you will never work on it (would be futile, wouldn't it), so you'll never overcome it. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Well-known member
Outcast said:
Chilling__Echo,You really gave me hope
Thank u so much
i know someday i will be cured ,it may seem difficult or imaginary but im on the right track all i want is hope,insistance persistance and have IT

as long as you keep your mind to it, and strive to do it, you will. just don't ever give up. every bad day will give you that much more drive to overcome this nightmare. and every good day will give you the jumpstart to keep at it.

i assure you, it's not impossible. in time you'll discover techniques that work for YOU. for instance, i used to HATE it when people told me that i was so quiet or things like that. now whenever i meet new people, right when the conversation starts going, i throw myself in there and at least make one comment before they can even assume that i'm shy. some blushers wear makeup and that *shield* is enough to keep them comfortable enough that they may not even blush at all. those are just to a name a few.

be patient with yourself, it won't happen overnight. PRAISE yourself for your accomplishments. don't let yourself fall into a woe thinking "why did this happen to me?" - things could be alot worse. it's all what you make of it. i hope you have support, like family and friends b/c you will need them. and as long as you have those few important people in your life, you're all set to go. let them help you!

i wouldn't say all this if i didn't believe that you could overcome this or if thought it were impossible. i only wish you could see the liz from high school compared to the liz i am now. everything will turn out fine!! even in your darkest moments, the lowest of low feelings, all bad things PASS. just keep that in mind - nothing lasts forever.

sorry, i got on my soapbox, lol i just hope to one day see you post up here that you have overcome this, as well as everyone else on here! because i know it's possible. :)