This is my first time communicating here. I am very new to all of this.
I have alot of issues and am actively now working on them. I am a 37 , female.
I am a hoarder or extreme clutterer. I believe this represents my inner conflicts of the mind. I live at home with my parents and my bedroom is disgusting. It is full of magazines, papers, books, clothing and other stuff from my past. I am just getting worse. Now I am at the point were I drop my clothes anywhere in the house. I have been to cousenling and discussed it but it has not help me to help myself. This is causing great shame and conflict with my family, particullary my father. I do not know what to do. I am trying to educate my self...but when I look at my room I think...there is no way...its so overwhelming. I wonder what it would be like to live in a clean organized room...but then I wonder...oh my God now what will I do. I have been diagnois with depression and anxiety. Right now I am not taking any meds and have stopped going to counseling because I left a job that lasted 5 months and now have no health insurance. I work a couple of days at a hospital. I believe I may have avoident & dependent personality traits that play into my hoarding. I also pull and pick at hair/skin in one hotspot on my head. Years ago some psychiatrist stated I had Adustment disorder. I do not know much about this disorder but it makes sense.
I need to find therapists/professionals who specializes in working with hoarders. I live in a small town and that is a major problem.
Does anyone know where I can get help? I live in Orange County New York.
Can anybody relate to me :?: I feel so alone and hopeless. I have no real friendships and I do not talk about this to anybody.
I have alot of issues and am actively now working on them. I am a 37 , female.
I am a hoarder or extreme clutterer. I believe this represents my inner conflicts of the mind. I live at home with my parents and my bedroom is disgusting. It is full of magazines, papers, books, clothing and other stuff from my past. I am just getting worse. Now I am at the point were I drop my clothes anywhere in the house. I have been to cousenling and discussed it but it has not help me to help myself. This is causing great shame and conflict with my family, particullary my father. I do not know what to do. I am trying to educate my self...but when I look at my room I think...there is no way...its so overwhelming. I wonder what it would be like to live in a clean organized room...but then I wonder...oh my God now what will I do. I have been diagnois with depression and anxiety. Right now I am not taking any meds and have stopped going to counseling because I left a job that lasted 5 months and now have no health insurance. I work a couple of days at a hospital. I believe I may have avoident & dependent personality traits that play into my hoarding. I also pull and pick at hair/skin in one hotspot on my head. Years ago some psychiatrist stated I had Adustment disorder. I do not know much about this disorder but it makes sense.
I need to find therapists/professionals who specializes in working with hoarders. I live in a small town and that is a major problem.
Does anyone know where I can get help? I live in Orange County New York.
Can anybody relate to me :?: I feel so alone and hopeless. I have no real friendships and I do not talk about this to anybody.